Chapter 2

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Aria buried herself in work thinking that's the only way to escape from her reality. She ignored everyone and even her health. She did not notice the changes in her body. She started having irregular bleeding and painful and heavy period.

Ella noticed this and called her attention to it.

"Riri, are you ok?" Ella asked.

"I'm fine, of course." Aria answered.

"Are you sure?" Ella pressed.

"Of course, why won't I be?"

"It's just that I've been noticing some changes in you. You've been having irregular periods and I know you don't have pains when you're on your period but you've been having them lately. Are you sure you're alright." Ella said worriedly.

"Oh.... I'm sure it will pass, it's not a big deal." Aria brushed it off.

"I'm just looking out for you, babe." Ella said sounding worried for her best friend.

"I know and I appreciate it." Aria said thankfully.

"And moreover, what's up with you lately? You've acting weird." Ella asked.

Aria sighed. "And how is that?"

"You stopped socializing, you just shut everyone out of your life which is not supposed to be." Ella told her.

"I'm ok." Aria assured.

"If anything is wrong, talk, don't keep things to yourself. That's why we are best friends."

"I said I'm fine." Aria snapped.

"Woah, calm down woman. You don't need to shout at me." Ella said.


"It's ok. Let's do something fun, I miss my best friend." Ella said.

"So what should we do?" Aria asked.

"Let's go to our favorite diner and we can gist about life."

"Alright, let me go change."

The both of them changed and went to their favorite diner. They both order pasta with baked chicken.

"Hmmmmm... This place is the best." Aria moaned while eating.

"Yeah, I know right. They make the best chicken." Ella also said

"In the world." Aria finished.

While they were eating, Josh and his fiancee walked into diner.

Ella was the first to see them. She kept staring at the duo. Aria noticed and followed the gaze of her friend.

She gasped and dropped the chicken she was eating.

"Riri" Ella called her.

No answer.


Again, no answer.

"ARIA" Ella shouted.

"What?" Aria asked.

"Are you ok?"

"Let's go home." Aria said.

They paid for the food and left the diner. When they got home, Aria screamed and started crying.

"Why is this happening to me?" She asked no one in particular. "Why am I feeling this pain? It is too much to bear." She cried out.

Ella kept watching her best friend as she was crying. She made a move to console her but Aria stopped her and rushed to her room and locked herself in there.

"Crying is not going to help, Riri." Ella said while Knocking on her door.

"Leave me alone." Aria said.

Ella left and called Aria's brother to inform him of what happened.

"I'll be there tomorrow."

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