Chapter 1

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Aria woke up to the sound of her alarm. Her eyes were red and puffy due to crying all night. She went to the bathroom and checked her mirror.

She sighed.

She did her morning routine and dressed up for work. She used concealer to hide the puffiness in her eyes.

Aria Jones is a 21 year old girl who is loved by her parents and brother. Aria's brother, Gabriel, owns an international company. She is managing the branch in Canada where she lives with her best friend, Ella. Aria's parents also live in Canada while her brother lives in New York.

Ella Peterson is from California. She came to college in Canada where she met Aria and they became besties.

She went to her living room where she saw her best friend making breakfast.

"Good morning." She greeted.

"Morning babe." Ella greeted back.

"What's for breakfast?" Aria asked Ella.

"I'm making pancakes"


"How're you?" Ella asked Aria.

"I'm fine"

"Babygirl, you can lie to the world but not to me." Ella said.

"What, don't I look fine?" Aria questioned her.

Ella gave her an incredulous look.

"I'm fine really." Aria stated exasperatedly.

"Ok, but then why are your eyes red and puffy?" Ella asked shocking Aria.

Aria gasped.

"Wh-what d-do you m-mean? She stuttered.

"Riri, I'm your best friend and you can't hide anything from me."

"But how did you know? Aria asked.

"Well, since you did a terrible job at hiding it and besides I'm your best friend." Ella replied.

"Were you checking Josh's page last night?" Ella asked.

"Maybe" Aria answered on the verge of crying again.

Aria fell in love with a guy called Josh. She has been in love with the guy since they were in college but he never noticed her. And now he's engaged with someone else. Aria still believes he is the perfect guy for her even though he's with another lady.

"I think you need to forget about this guy." Ella advised.

"I love him and he might still be the one for me." Aria said.

"Babe, stop being delusional. The guy is engaged to someone else." Ella exclaimed.

"So? engaged not married, their engagement can still be called off." Aria said.

Ella looked at her best friend as if she's gone crazy.

"I still think you should forget about this guy. If he loves you, he'll be with you but he obviously doesn't." Ella said in hopes of getting her to change her mind.

"Ouch... Thanks for the advice." Aria said sarcastically.

"Let's just eat, I'm famished." Aria said changing the topic.

They both ate their breakfast and went to their separate work.

Aria got to her office and started working when she got a call from her mom.

"Hello my sweetheart." Her mom greeted.

"Hi mom."

"How're you doing?"

"I'm doing fine mom." She replied.

"You sure, hon?" Her mom asked again.

"I'm fine ma."

"Ok, if you say so." Her mom said. "Are you free this weekend?" She asked her daughter.

"What do you have planned?" Aria asked already knowing where the conversation will lead to.

"There's this guy..."

"Mom, I'm not meeting any guy." She cut off her mom.

"You didn't even let me finish." Her mom said.

"Coz I know what you will say and the answer is no." Aria said.

"Can't you at least see the guy?" Her mom tried to convince her.

"No mom, I'm not going. I love someone else."

"Who is engaged."

"How did you know?" Aria asked her mom.

"That's not the point. Just stop being stubborn."

"I'm not being stubborn." Aria argued.

"Yes, you are."

"Mom, I'm not seeing any guy and that's final." Aria said with a tone of finality.

"Aria" Her mom called.

"Mom, I need to go now, I'll talk to you later. Bye." She cut the call and continued her work but she could not concentrate.

"Ughhhhh" she screamed.

Her assistant rushed in upon hearing her boss screaming.

"Are you alright?" She asked.

"I'm fine, Lilly." Aria assured.

"Are you sure? Do you need anything?" Lilly asked.

"Yeah, get me a cup of coffee." Aria requested.

"Ok". Lilly left to do what she was ordered.


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