Chapter 4

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Aria opened her eyes but it was blurry at first. She saw four figures hovering around her but she couldn't recognize their faces.

"Aria, are you awake?" She heard the voice of her Mother.

"Mom?" She blinked her eyes so she could see them.

"Can you see us now? Her Mom asked her.

"Yeah" She saw her parents, Gabriel and Ella.

"What happened? Why am I in the hospital?" Aria questioned.

"You were found unconscious in your room." Aria's Mom answered her.

"Were you any pain before?" Aria's Dad asked.

"Yeah, just menstrual pain and my period has been irregular." Aria answered.

"Honey, you should have sought for medical advice when you start noticing all these or better still, talk to me about it." Her Mom said.

"But Mom, I'm fine." Aria argued.

"No, you're not, you have been diagnosed of endometriosis and it could have been treated if you had opened up to us. Even your friend asked you about it but you waved it off." Her Mom said already on the verge of crying.

Aria stayed silent.

"I think we need to inform the doctor that she's awake." Gabriel said and left the room to call the doctor.

"Honey, you'll be fine." Aria's Dad assured her.

"You think so?" Aria asked.

"Of course, babygirl. You'll get through this and we'll be here for you." Aria's Dad said.

"Thanks, Dad."

Gabriel entered the room with the doctor behind him.

"Ms Jones, I see you're awake." The doctor said. "How are you feeling?"

"Not so good." Aria answered.

"Hmmm... Are you feeling pain anywhere." The doctor asked.

"Yeah, my lower abdomen."

"Ms Jones, you will need to be careful from now on and I'll prescribe some drugs that you must take. This must not repeat itself and if it does, your womb will be removed." The doctor said.

"W-what d-do y-you m-mean my womb will b-be removed?" Aria stuttered.

"Yes doctor, what do you mean by that? My daughter's womb will not be removed." Aria's Mom said.

"I'm sorry, but if care is not taken, it will lead to that and also increase the risk of certain cancers." The doctor informed them.

"Oh God no, not my daughter." Elizabeth cried while David consoled her.

"We'll have to examine you for some days before we can discharge you." The doctor said and left the room.


Aria was discharged from the hospital few days later.

"Honey, I think you should come live with us." Aria's Mom suggested.

"No Mom, I'll be fine." Aria declined.

"But we will be able to monitor you." Aria's Mom insisted.

"Mom, I'll be fine, ok?"

Elizabeth sighed, "just promise you will take care of yourself and use your drug on time."

"I promise."

They dropped her at her apartment where Gabriel and Ella were waiting for her.

"Welcome home." Ella screamed as soon as she opened the door.

"Welcome home, lil sis." Gabriel hugged her.

"Thanks guys"

"I made your favorite food, Riri." Ella said excitedly.

"Thanks, but before that, Gab, I need to ask you something." Aria said.

"Yeah, go on." Gabriel said.

"Can you transfer me to the branch in London?" Aria requested.

"What?" Gabriel exclaimed.

"Please, I don't want to stay here. I need to change my environment." She begged.

"But Mom and Dad won't agree to this." Gabriel said.

"You will help me to convince them." Aria begged using her puppy eyes.

"Don't use that look on me." Gabriel said.

"What look?" Aria said innocently.

"Fine, I'll transfer you to the London branch but how will you cope there." Gabriel inquired.

"I'll be fine and besides our cousin, Mark and his Natasha, both live there."

"Ok" Gabriel agreed.

"Thanks, I love you bro." Aria said.

"I love you too."


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