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"Good night, baby.." Tae kissed the tip of his nose and began to leave, but he felt Yoongi grabbing his hands.
"Tae," he called softly.
Tae turned back to see that his hyung was awake and was looking at him. He lowered himself to Yoongi's level.

"Did I wake you?"
"Yeah..but I was waiting for you," Yoongi said in a groggy voice.
"Were you..?" Tae ruffled Yoongis' hair lovingly. Tae smiled a little, seeing how adorable Yoongi looked with his sleepy eyes, messy hair, and lips forming that cute pout he loved.
"Of course I can't expect me not to, after sending a text like that," Yoongi said, rubbing his eyes and getting up to sit on his chair.
Tae's boxy smile started showing..he stood from his place and sat on the nearby couch.
"So..." Yoongi asked, raising his eyebrows.
Tae took a deep breath before looking the elder in the eyes.

"I don't want to make this more complicated."
Yoongi nodded
"I'm sorry I texted you like that; I should have confessed it to you in person," Tae said, tightening his coat to his body.
"Confess?! " Yoongi looked at Tae , his heart beating out of his chest.
A smile appeared on Taehyung's face. He dragged Yoongi's chair to him and held Yoongi's hands.
"Yes, I love you, baby. "
Yoongi gasped upon hearing those words coming out of the man he loved.
"I said love because I think it's past the stage of just liking you..its always been you..i was just stupid enough to not see that..i didn't even know why it took me so long to realize it. Maybe I was scared of what would happen.."
Yoongi's breath hitched at the unexpected confession, and he struggled to keep the tears from falling anytime soon.
"Maybe it was the reason I did all the things I did..and I hurt you a lot, didn't I?"
"No, you didn't. It was my fault too." Yoongi shook his head

Taehyung sighed.. "It was a wrong  way of showing love.I messed up big time treating you like that , even when you asked for more affection. and no amount of dates are going to make it right, but if you give me a chance, I'll show you, baby, how much happier I can make you..I won't force you to love me back, but I really, really hope you will one day..too."
"I know it's a stupid thought." "I know I don't even deserve someone as great as you. "
A sob escaped from Yoongi.
Tae touched his forehead against Yoongi's.
"I know I'm a terrible person, and I still don't know why I behaved the way I did, and I know you may not feel the same way about me; it's a miracle that you even agreed to date me, but
"If you don't want to move forward..then I'll be okay too..I won't disturb you again..we can forget about it."
Yoongi wiped his tears and looked at Tae.
"You can't make me fall in love with you, Tae," he whispered.
Tae's eyes got watery, and he closed his eyes.
"Dmi messed up didn't he..did i do something wrong again, Hyung..or is it just what I did before..can you tell me what I should do to make everything alright? because trust me, I love you..I love you so much..I don't want to miss you," his voice started cracking.
Yoongi put his fingers on Taehyung's lips to make him stop talking.
"You can't make me fall in love because..." He took a pause before smiling through his tears, "I fell for you a long time ago..don't know when or why or how..but I did..that's why I was so adamant about pushing you away from me. It was hurting me to know that you will never ever feel that way about me."
"What?!" Taehyung sat back on the couch, shocked.
Yoongi nodded.. "I thought I was the only one who felt that way..and I guess I was right until just now."

"Oh, my god.." Taehyung closed his eyes, unable to believe that Yoongi had been in love with him all this time. It took him a while to come to terms with the information he received. Slowly, his eyes started to water.
"I'm so sorry.. sh*t.. I'm really sorry.. baby, you loved me all this time and here I was being a complete moron and god! I hurt you so much by acting like a dick."
Yoongi laughed.. ", I got hurt because I was an idiot..I should have told you..but instead I kept avoiding my feelings..I judged you and what you might feel..You may have tried to unhear my request to stop sleeping together, but every time you approached, I never said no, I consented ,Tae."

Tae hugged Yoongi tightly. His tears started flowing out.
"Be my boyfriend, Hyung."
He said between tears:
"Wha..??" Yoongi broke the hug and looked at his face.
"Please, baby.. be mine..let me love you the way you deserve to be loved..please."
Yoongis' eyes started flowing too. They were both crying messes.
"Please baby.." Tae begged again.
Yoongi nodded, wiping away his tears. "dont cry tae "he wiped the yongers tears and hugged him again.
The sobs turned into tiny laughs soon after they got control of their emotions. They drifted apart, and Yoongi turned away from the younger and wiped his tears; he had never been this vulnerable with anyone.
"Oh my god, I can't believe we created this complicated mess because we never talked openly and, god!, I doubted poor Jimin so much." Tae laughed
"Yeah, I guess.." Yoongi wiped his face, grabbed a blanket, and covered himself.

Tae smiled at how cute he looked wrapped up in the fluffy blanket. He admired him for a while.
"I love you, baby." Tae stood up and gave Yoongi a forehead kiss.
Yoongi got shy and looked down. He snuggled into his blankets a bit more.
"Say it back." Taehyung asked
Yoongi shook his head and moved his chair away from Tae.
"I know you just confessed it..say it, Hyung." Tae grinned and sat back on the couch, folding his hands.
Yoongi refused to say it back; he just smiled and looked away. Tae lifted his legs to hook the chair and pulled it toward him.
"Say it. I want to hear it."
Yoongi was red as a tomato already. "I love you," he said almost inaudibly.
But that was enough for Tae, who threw himself at his boyfriend.
"You are too cute, Hyungiee..I love you so much.." he kissed his cheeks hard.
"I can't believe you are mine..god!"
He touched their foreheads again, and they stared into each other's eyes.

"Can I kiss you?" Tae's voice got deep and low.
Yoongi didn't reply, but his shy face was enough to show that he wanted that. Their lips soon touched. Tae kissed his lips passionately. He missed this, and it made him a little greedy. He opened the elder's lips with his tongue and put it inside, and he felt Yoongi kissing him back with the same passion. Yoongi also missed this intimacy; they had kissed during their dating phase, but it was nowhere near as intimate as this. Soon it got more heated and Tae ended up grabbing his neck and Yoongi submitted immediately. They ended up in bed making out and sucking necks, and Yoongi became a moaning mess as Tae's hands wandered inside his sweatshirt playing with his sensitive nipples, and Yoongi was already halfway through unbuttoning Tae's shirt.

A sound of a tire backfiring brought them back to reality. They stopped and broke the kiss. and looked at each other awkwardly. Taehyung's perfectly set hair was now a mess, his shirt was ripped open, his coat was lying somewhere on the floor, Yoongi's neck was covered in freshly made hickeys, and his already messy hair looked more messy.
"We should stop for today, I think," Tae said, smiling sheepishly.
"Yeah..We have a problem." Yoongi said getting up from the bed and smiling back.
"Yeah, this is what caused all the trouble..." Tae grinned

Yoongi laughed and pushed Tae out of his bed.
But I don't think I can keep my hands off you..ever again..damn! I can't wait to ravish you as my boyfriend," he smirked.
Yoongi punched Tae playfully. "Stop saying such things."
"Ok, I'll go to my room tonight.."
"Yeah." Yoongi swatted him away.
"Or should I stay here?" Tae winked at him playfully.
"Noo, go away..none of us will be doing much sleeping if we stay together today..and we have to film our game show tomorrow."
"Ok," Tae smirked, looking him up and down.
"Stop eye-fucking me," Yoongi said with big eyes.
Tae snorted and laughed, "I love you, baby."
"Go away. I've already lost so much sleep time." Yoongi pushed Tae to the corridor out of his room before closing the door on his face.
Tae smiled like an idiot on the other side.
"Boyfriend or not..somethings never change."


The wrong way to love (Taegi)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora