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Yoongi got up early and felt like shit. Just like he had done for the past few days.The emotional dilemma  was weighing him down, which ended up in a few sleepless nights. He tried to drown his sorrows with coffee, but it did not help.

' many of those have you had Yoongi?!'
Jin came into the kitchen and asked looking at the empty coffee pot in front of the younger
'I don't know 4' Yoongi tried counting
'It's only 6.45  and you already drank 4 cups of coffee!! will get sick.'

'Why are you up so early Hyung! We only have practice in the afternoon today' Yoongi was wondering why his only hyung was asking him coffee questions while he wanted to be left alone.
'I woke up and was hungry and i thought I'll make food for the kids before they wake up while i m at it'
'Hmm'  Yoongi nodded.

'I'll make you breakfast.' Seokjin offered.
' Nope.. I'll have more coffee and then go back to bed'. Yoongi said, sipping his coffee
'Yah..Are you crazy...!!' Jin snatched his cup away
'Stop making yourself sick. You have to practice today.Get something solid in your stomach and how the hell do you think you are going to sleep after all these coffee?'
'Haha!! You don't know me then hyung' Yoongi laughed.
'Stop being sassy in morning yoongi..and stay put'
Jin drank the rest of the coffee from Yoongi's mug.
'Hyung..' Yoongi whined.

Jin ignored him and continued  drinking coffee while he gathered ingredients for breakfast. He noticed Yoongi, who was lost  in thoughts , also  a big visible red purple mark on his neck.

'You need some heavy makeup to cover up that shit.'
Yoongi looked at Jin confused,
Jin looked at Yoongi's neck and he suddenly remembered about the hickey and  got embarrassed and tried covering up his neck with his hands.
'Wear a turtleneck or something or the staff is  gonna notice '
Yoongi nodded while Jin started cooking glancing at yoongi in between.

After he was done Jin placed a plate of eggs and toast in front of Yoongi and sat near him with his own food.
Even though he rejected the food at first, the smell of the hot breakfast was making him hungry. He  slowly started to eat his food.

'What the hell are you both doing?!' Jin's high pitched voice suddenly came through
'Yoongi was surprised
'What hyung?!'
'You know what i 'm asking..he pointed at his neck '
'Oh!! It's a mosquito bite, hyung..its nothing
'Ohh really!!!' Jin then forcefully lifted yoongi's shirt, revealing more hickeys and his hips were red ,mostly from the tight grip from Tae's hands and yoongi's pale skin was not hiding anything.
'Seriously... that's some big ass mosquito ' Seokjin rolled his eyes.
'Ahhh hajima..hyung leave me alone . He lowered his shirt and sat there looking down, not facing the elder.

'Yoongi...just tell me what the fuck you  both are thinking?!' Jin asked again.
'I asked him to stop.' Yoongi finally looked up.
'And is this how you both stop? I heard it in my room. That means everyone here heard it..and thank God the live was set in the living room. Otherwise the whole world would have heard it. And it's been going on more regularly now.. I thought it was an occasional thing and that eventually you both will stop'
'I dont know hyung.. he was tired i guess ..yesterday was hectic'
'If you are tired, sleep. Do not fuck each other...' Jin said angrily
'Yoongi ,I'm telling you ..this is not going to be good..its all fun and exciting now. Someday one of you will catch feelings and that will be it before you know you will break up the group .'
Yoongi gulped and looked down.
'Oh my god...Oh my freaking god...Yoongi have feelings for that why you are doing this..shit man!!' Jin yelled.
'No no.. I mean .. I don't know if it's feelings.. I just feel bad when he leaves. That's's definitely new.. I mean I was okay with everything when we maybe So I'm imagining things.'
'You idiot...'Jin yelled again
'Hyung !!you will wake up others please.'.Yoongi tried to calm him down

Is Tae feeling the same?
'I don't think so' Yoongi replied sheepishly
'Then fucking stop now and today! You are gonna get hurt Yoongi...Please stop before it escalates into something you cant handle' Jin said in a concerned tone
Yoongi nodded
'Ahh these kids..!!Look, I don't want to hear your bed squeak tonight. If I hear it, I'm going to barge in and drag you out if I have to.. Understand?! Now eat this and freaking get your shit together before practice.'
He pushed the food to Yoongi and went on to cook brunch for the other members

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