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They both kept their promise, they had a second date followed by many more.As they both kept it a secret, most of them were done inside the dorm late at night while others slept.Movie nights, karoke nights or just simple times they spend talking and laughing just like their first date, and one time Tae tried to cook for Yoongi and failed miserably, and Yoongi ended up making the food, and they spent all night cleaning the kitchen to escape Seokjin's wrath. But they both had so much fun, and the elder surely had never laughed this much in the past. And Tae slowly realised that his feelings for his hyung was actually way more than a hook up or friendship,he never expressed it in words to Yoongi but was sure that they both liked eachother romantically, by seeing the way Yoongi acted with him.Yoongi's roverall mood was lifted, and the members had noticed this too, but they had no idea what caused it. The couple made their own rules for their dates they knew eachothers preferences very well , while yoongi enjoyed being away from crowds , taehyung realised that he was a deeply romantic person and loved being domestic with his hyung more than being on extravagant dates.

Yoongi was humming to a tune while stirring his coffee ,he smiled at namjoon and jin who were sitting in kitchen watching the elders actions.
"The new album must be coming out well. "namjoon said as he saw the elder walkinaway singing and dancing a little.
"You are talking about Yoongi Namjoonah..that guy won't crack a smile if we got a Grammy.. " Jin scoffed
"Whatever ..i like him like this.."
"Ahh, me too.."Jin smiled as he knew the reason well enough ,Nothing goes without being seen by the eldest hyung, he has seen them together multiple times at night, especially when they both almost ruined his sacred kitchen.

On One of the  nights, Taehyung was out with his actor friends to have  drinks and dinner.Since he was out Yoongi decided to spend some time with Hobi since they haven't hung out much lately.
They were talking about their new unit while Yoongis phone showed a notification for a new message .

Tae 💜: I love you, baby

His heart skipped a beat seeing Taehyungs name above the message.
He might be drunk.He knew Taehyung liked him now but he have never said or used the word love in their relationship.

Babyoon😼: What??  Are you drunk, Tae?
Tae💜: No
Babyoon😼: ???
Tae💜: I'm out with these guys, and all I can think about is you. I'm thinking about being with you, talking or cuddling.
Babyoon😼: But you said love, Tae...
Tae💜: I know..let us talk when I'm home.
And he was gone , yoongi replied with a million question marks after that but no reply came.Yoongis' face started getting red...Tae said he knew he said 'love'

Yoongi fiddled with his phone in hand . Hobi noticed that his hyung was lost in thoughts and his pale skin is now flushed red.
"Hyung...are you sick, why do you look like a tomato?"
"Ah, nothing..its hot in here, isn't it?" Yoongi said fanning himself
"Is it?" Hobi looked around, checkin if his ac was off
"Hoba  i just got an idea about our song i m gonna go write it down" Yoongi said getting up from his seat
"Suddenly ..?!" Hobi wondered
"Yeah" and He ran outside before hearing anything hobi has to say.
"Don't you want to hear my input? Hyunggg .." Hobi yelled at him, but he could hear Yoongi running away to his room
"He is getting weirder." Hobi said to himself.


"Fuck fuck fuck.!!!!"
Yoongi Whissper swore a million times
"What does he mean? This alien boy! "He  mumbled to himself"
Why does he have to give such a vague reply? Maybe it's not the kind of love I think .It might be a casual "I love you."
They haven't even put a label on their relationship. Were they boyfriends? Casual lovers?! He didn't know what they were.They both had a good thing going on and Yoongi didn't want yo ruin it by pressuring him to put a label on it.
"Still What does he mean?" Yoongi was confused and frustrated and He threw his pillow and kicked his chair, which fell and dragged a few things down with it..along with the metal vase he had in his room , causing a big sound .

" Jin hyung, Namjoon hyung broke something" Jungkook yelled from somewhere
"Yahh namjoonah, what the hell did you break now?" Jin started scolding loudly
" was not me hyung i m in our dining room.. "Namjoon yelled back
"Yahhh, did you break the new plates? I swear if you break something again.."Jin started angry rapping
"Stop yelling..I'm trying to sleep. "Jimin yelled from his room.
It was a chaotic mess as always, and yoongi heard everything with big eyes afraid that he might be the one getting yelled at if seokjin found out that he was the actual culprit
"Hyung, it was not me. I think it's coming from Yoongi hyung's room." Namjoon said again
"Yoongiii?! " He heard Jin's footsteps coming in to scold him.
And with in seconds, he saw the angry elder on his door.
"Sorry, Hyung. It was an accident, " and Yoongi closed the door on Jin's face.
"Ahhh, this guy..he is something..he closed the door on my face.."he heard Jin complaining and walking away.

After making sure that Jin was gone , Yoongi slowly got his stuff together.
"Fuck !!" He swore again and decided to wait inside his room till Tae show  up.His mind was restless, his heart was beating out of his chest
But he  unknowingly fell asleep while waiting for the younger.

It was past midnight when Tae came back from the dinner and he found everyone asleep or working inside their rooms. He went to see Yoongi and found his door locked.
Yoongi recently gave his new password to Tae, so he opened his door slowly, only to  find Yoongi sleeping on his bed, curled up like a kitten. He went near and fondly moved the hair that was on his face.

Yoongi groaned in his sleep. The elder was peacefully sleeping and Tae didn't want to wake him up even though he was hoping to talk to him.
"Good night baby.." Tae kissed the tip of his nose and began to leave then he felt Yoongi grabbing his hands.
"Tae.." he called softly.


Only a few more chapters to go 🙂🙂

The wrong way to love (Taegi)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant