First Date

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Almost a week went by after Tae's surprise suggestion of them going on a date. But nothing else was discussed between the two after that. All of them were quite busy with their schedules and filming, and most days they returned home late and tired. And Yoongi didn't mention Taehyung to anyone, not even to Jimin or Hobi. Because he was still not sure what Tae had in mind, and now that he hasn't heard back from him in days, Yoongi suspected that he might have forgotten about it already or maybe he was rethinking everything.

Yoongi was immersed in his thoughts in his room while his phone chimed. He sighed and went on to check on it, thinking it might be Hobi sharing another one of the funny or thirst trap army edits about them with him. But to his surprise, it was a text from Taehyung. His heart started beating fast as soon as he read the younger's name.

Come to the rooftop.

He wondered what it was about. The message was vague. Maybe he wants to cancel the plans. Maybe he realises he doesn't like him after all. Yoongi never considered himself that lucky to be in a relationship with someone like Tae anyways. The guy is one of the most handsome men in the world. Tons of women and men fall for Taehyung on a daily basis. and imagining someone like him having a chance with Taehyung was stupid.
He grabbed his jacket and beanie as it was a cold night outside, and he decided to get it over with. He was pretty positive that Tae was going to apologise for leading him on or something.

Yoongi slowly made it to the top. His feet felt heavy, and he was not ready to face whatever Tae was going to tell him. He slowly reached the door to their rooftop, and he immediately started shivering as the cold air hit his body as he opened the door. He zipped up his jacket and slowly walked forward, and much to his surprise, he saw two chairs, an electric heater, some drinks, some snacks, and food spread out just like at a picnic. And Tae stood there, wearing a white jacket, looking at the sky and the stars. holding two blankets.

"Tae.. "  Yoongi called softly, confused at the sight.
"Oh, you are here.. Hyung, I didn't hear you come in," he gave him his boxy smile.
"What's all this?"
"I told you I'd take you on a date. This is our date." He pointed to the spread on the floor.
Yoongi's eyes went wide upon hearing the younger
"I'm sorry, it's not someplace outside or fancy." We really don't have that luxury of being seen in public like that, do we? I don't want to get scolded by the management for a dating scandel..especially with one of the members.
Yoongi nodded and looked at the setup.

"I wanted to make it more romantic, but these were all I could do with our busy schedules." I'm sorry."  Tae said with big eyes.
"Heyy, no,'s perfect..this is very romantic."
It's -- I was just surprised, that's all. Yoongi scratched his head, embarrassed, as he felt his face getting more red with every passing moment.
"Yeah, I actually wanted to tell you beforehand; I was going to do this tomorrow, but then I really didn't want to wait any longer." "I got excited and quickly arranged all these."
Yoongi pursed his lips, struggling to hide the smile on his face; it was like a dream come true for him, but he didn't want the younger to know it and think of him as creepy.

"Come sit..  Tae grabbed his hand and made him sit on the chair. He then helped Yoongi cover himself with one of the blankets.
Yoongi was really embarrassed and kept looking everywhere but Tae's face.
"Why are you getting shy?" I already told you we are past that stage.
"Ahh, I know..but this is all new for me, this dating thing." Yoongi scratched his head.
Tae grinned; he didn't want to make Yoongi more shy.
"Did you see the stars above?" He said to lighten the mood.
Yoongi looked up and saw a starry sky above.
"Wow!!   "They are really pretty; we should come here often, don't we?" Yoongi smiled and looked down to see Tae looking at his face and smiling.
"What?? "
Tae smiled more.
"What?!! "   He asked again.
"Nothing.. you keep blushing, are too's the cutest thing."
That nickname always did something to Yoongi. Normally he would only call him that while being intimate, but this is the first time he has called him otherwise.
More red creeped up on Yoongi's cheeks..and he hoped Tae didn't notice it.
He suddenly felt Tae's hands on his
"Aren't you cold?" Tae asked, grabbing Yoongi's hands.
Yoongi nodded
Taehyung lifted Yoongi's hands and rested them on his cheeks to warm them up.
Yoongi was getting more shy and embarrassed and couldn't even make eye contact with Tae, but a smile crept up on his face seeing the warm gesture.
"Poor you, I promised a date, and I'm freezing you to death now... "I'm really sorry. I know it's pretty lame.
Yoongi took his hands back and kept them on Taehyung's thigh. "Taehyungah, I said I liked this, didn't I?! "You know I don't really enjoy being in a crowd or public space, so it's perfect. Don't worry," he reassured.

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