A New Crush

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'Ok rapline ..get ready' Namjoon called his hyungs to practice
It was late afternoon and the vocal line had already finished rehearsing a few of their songs and Jungkook and Taehyung were running around playing.
'Stop you two..we have a lot more hours ahead to practice. Don't drain your energy' Jimin tried to stop them while they ignored him and continued playing.
'Where's Suga Hyung? '. Namjoon looked around.
'He isn't here yet? But i drove him here', Jin asked from the corner.
Hobi shrugged, saying no.
'Aish ..this moron i told him not to drink all of that coffee..he might be getting sick somewhere', Jin said, frowning.
Tae suddenly stopped playing and listening to their conversation.. Jungkook caught him and tried to tackle him.
'Caught you v hyungieee'...Kookie giggled
'Sorry sorry.. I'm here .. I 'm here' .Yoongi came running through the doors.
'Did i miss something?'
'No hyung..we were just about to start, but where were you? ' Namjoon asked
'I fell asleep on the waiting area couch..kind of' he said sheepishly.
'After all that coffee..you are built differently yoongi-ah'. Jin rolled his eyes.
Yoongi smiled and started putting his hair in a bun.
'Why are you dressed like that, hyung..you are gonna sweat like a pig soon..its fucking hot outside too ' Hobi asked, looking at his black turtle neck sweater.
Tae sat at a distance and looked in Yongi's direction as Kookie finally let him go from his grip and went on to irritate Jimin.
'Ahh..nothing i felt cold.'
That's strange. Are you sick? Namjoon asked, looking concerned.
'No..'. Yoongi said without facing namjoon.
'You both stop worrying about his fashion choices and start practising..we have to start learning the new choreographies after this..look alive '

Jin tried to save Yoongi from questions.

The rapline obeyed their eldest and Yoongi gave him a thankful nod and started their practice. After a while, they took a water break as the dance chorographer and Hobi started going through the new choreography ..
Jimin and Jin were loudly singing their own songs and ruining it making Jungkook laugh seeing his hyungs being silly and Namjoon joined them and started improvising a dance which made everyone laugh.
Yoongi sat on the floor in the corner trying to cool himself down, fanning with some paper as he felt really hot and was sweating under his turtleneck .
'Are you sick, Hyung ??' He looked up and saw Taehyung.
'No..no tae i m not..' he shook his head.
'You are sweating'
'Its ok .. It's just this shirt.. don't worry about it'
'I'm sorry.'
'For what? ' Yoongi looked at him confused.
' For leaving marks .That's why you had to wear this right..? I'll be careful next time.'
Yoongi sighed and looked at the younger
' Tae..' He called softly.
'Yes hyung'
' I m sorry, but I don't think there should be a next time.'
'But we were having fun hyung..is it because i m was too hard on you yesterday.. I can be gentle..' Tae said, coming closer.
'No Tae... I told you already.. everyone is noticing and it's kind of awkward. So can we stop please!! We had fun for the last 4 months.' Yoonhi was already panicking inside as the yonger stood way too close to him ..his manly scent engulfing him.
'Tae's face went blank hearing his hyung , he looked down to his feet thinking what to say .
And he felt someone's eyes on them and noticed Jimin looking in their direction between the singing.
'Is it because of Jimin?! Tae suddenly asked
'Jimin?!...what's this gotta do with Jimin!?'
'Well !! He likes you '

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