The Announcement

Depuis le début

Beca had pretended to be asleep to avoid those words. That morning, she slipped out of the room before Chloe was awake. So those words were the last thing ever said between them before today. Beca knew it wasn't just a drunken mistake, but if Chloe wanted it to be, then so be it.

"Yeah. Let's go help Aubrey." Beca said quietly.

"I'm glad we could get that off our chest, Becs. I've missed you." Chloe said as they headed downstairs.

Beca simply smiled back. When they reached the bottom of the stairs, the rest of the Bellas were in the entry way.

"There you guys are!" Stacie exclaimed.

"Bhloe!!" Amy yelled.

The girls all went to hug each other, and Beca faked her happiness the best she could.

"Dinner is ready, ladies!" Aubrey shouted from the kitchen.

Everyone gathered around the table, and Chloe took a seat next to Beca.

"Help yourself to the wine, and if you want something stronger..." Aubrey said, gesturing to her liquor cabinet.

Beca didn't hesitate to pour herself a glass of wine, and many girls followed.

"This all looks great, Aubrey." Jessica said.

"Oh, enough about that. Chloe?" Aubrey said with a beaming smile.

"Girls, I have some exciting news." Chloe said, her smile growing bigger.

She flashed her hand up to the girls, showing off a huge diamond on her ring finger.

"Chicago proposed!" She exclaimed.

The room was filled with "oohs" and "ahs" about the ring, and everyone was obsessing over it. Except for Beca. She sat silently with a blank expression on her face. Now it all made sense why Chloe wanted that night to be shrugged off.

Beca was knocked out of her daze by a kick to her foot under the table. Amy nodded down, signaling Beca to check her phone.

Amy: U alright?

Beca: Got a lot on my mind

Amy: Just try to act happy for Chlo

That made Beca mad. Amy had no idea what had happened between her and Chloe. She had the right to be mad.

Soon after Chloe's announcement, Beca's glass of wine was empty.

"Mind if if?" Beca asked, pointing to the other liquor.

"Go ahead." Aubrey replied.

Beca got up and poured a glass of whiskey. She downed the first one, still standing over the cabinet. Another one was poured soon after, and then she returned to the table. The girls were still drooling over the ring, making Beca even more upset. When Beca got up once again to fill her glass, Aubrey followed her.

"Beca, what's up with you?" Aubrey whispered.

"What do you mean?" Beca asked.

"You've been downing whiskey like it's water, and you're face hasn't cracked a smile ever since we sat down." Aubrey said.

"I'm fine." Beca responded.

"Just don't ruin this moment for Chloe, ok? She won't be happy if you aren't." Aubrey said.

Beca nodded and grabbed the bottle again.

"And cool it on the drinks, Mitchell." Aubrey added as she walked away.

Beca downed another glass out of spite, which really put her over the edge. She headed back to the table to finish dinner, and she even put on her best smile in front of Chloe. It was more so that she wouldn't get any more flack from the other girls.

The rest of the night was filled with games, movies, and more wine. Beca started to actually have a good time, but that could have been because of the amount of alcohol she had drank. Chloe only had a glass of wine at dinner, so she was sober enough to see how drunk Beca was. When it was eventually time for the girls to head home, Chloe pulled Beca aside.

"I don't think you should be driving, Becs." She said.

"I'm getting an Uber." Beca responded.

"How about I just drive you? I can drive your rental and that way you'll have it at the hotel in the morning." Chloe said.

"Why?" Beca asked.

"Because you'd be drunk and alone in an Uber. I just want you to be safe." Chloe explained.

"Why do you even care?" Beca asked.

"Because I love you." Chloe said, grabbing Beca's hand. She pulled away, rolling her eyes at Chloe's remark.

"I'm gonna drive Beca back, Bree!" Chloe shouted from the door.

Beca realized she didn't really have a choice, so she climbed into the passenger seat of her car.

"Why'd you drink so much, anyway?" Chloe asked as they drove.

"What are you, my mom?" Beca scoffed.

"Jesus, Beca. What changed?" Chloe asked.

"A lot of things." Beca replied.

"Is it about me?" Chloe asked.

"God, Chlo! Not everything is about you!" Beca snapped.

"Sorry." Chloe said softly. The rest of the car ride was silent.

Beca began to silently cry. She hated how she was acting, and she hated the way she was treating Chloe. They pulled in to the hotel, and Chloe didn't even look at Beca. She wanted her out of the car.

"Can I just ask you one thing?" Beca asked softly.


"Were you and Chicago dating when we... you know?" Beca asked.

"We were on a break." Chloe responded.

"If I didn't leave that morning, would things be different?" Beca asked.

"Maybe." Chloe said.

There was a long pause between the girls.

"I was ready to leave him for you that night." Chloe said eventually.

After letting that sink in, Beca got an idea. She knew it was probably a bad one, but it was now or never.

"Let's try this again. Us. One last time before you tie the knot with soldier boy." Beca said.

"Becs, you're drunk a–"

"Earlier today, before I had anything to drink, I was ready to ask you to be my girlfriend. I would want to do this drunk or not." Beca explained.

"Ok." Chloe said with a smile.

"Yeah?" Beca exclaimed.

"Yes." Chloe said, excitedly nodding.

Beca flung her arms around Chloe and kissed her on the cheek.

They got out of the car and ran up to Beca's room, and Chloe texted Aubrey to tell her she wasn't coming home.

Beca unlocked the door as quickly as she could, and Chloe wasted no time pinning her on the bed as soon as it opened.

"How much you wanna bet I'm better in bed than him?" Beca teased.

"Shut up." Chloe giggled.

The second their lips met, Chloe knew she couldn't go back to Chicago.

AN: Cheating is allowed if it means Bechloe, right?

Bechloe/Sendrick One ShotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant