
After a few more hours, we were all sent home so Arthur could rest, but Molly was allowed to stay.

Once we informed Sirius of Mr Weasley's condition, everyone decided it was best to go to bed, but I doubt anyone was going to get any sleep tonight.

Fred and I were the only ones left in the living room, and with a sad but hopeful gleam in his eyes, he asked me, "Can I stay with you tonight?"

"Of course," I answered softly and took his hand. We both headed to my room quietly, not even caring to hide it from the rest of the household.

Once inside the bedroom, I started to remove my coat and turned to look at him. The corner of his mouth lifted weakly while his brows furrowed with remorse as we stared at each other in silence.

Sighing, my heart pressed against my chest as I crossed my arms and finally broke our eye contact to look at the bed. My stomach tightened as I motioned towards it, "Want to lay down?"

He nodded cheerlessly but still crawled under the duvet with me.

Leaning against the headboard, he watched me pull the bedding over our lower halves.

"Can I hold you?" He asked with a sad, hushed tone.

"You don't have to ask me that, Freddie, " My arm went around his waist as I leaned into him.

He wrapped his arms around me and immediately ran a hand through my hair, inhaling deeply as he breathed, "I've missed you so much."

"I missed you too," I told him, nuzzling my cheek into his chest and taking in his scent that I had been desperate to smell again.

"I'm sorry I haven't written to you in a long time. I really wanted to, but I couldn't."

"It's fine... but I'd still like to know why?"

Fred sighed, "Things at Hogwarts are changing...It's been too dangerous to correspond with anyone in The Order. The Ministry is intercepting letters from anyone they perceived to be a threat, or associated with a threat."

Exhaling lightly, I berated myself mentally for not thinking of this possibility. I remembered seeing headlines in The Daily Prophet about the new administration at Hogwarts, but I never read more than that. I haven't picked up that paper ever since they reported that I was pregnant with Cedric's child, and I didn't need to read it to know what they were saying about his murder.

I set up to look at Fred, my hand still resting on his chest as his fingers trailed down to the ends of my hair, "I'm sorry for doubting you."

"It's okay," He mumbled, watching as he flipped the end of a strand back and forth in his fingers, "I would have doubted me too."

"It's that bad, huh?"

"Lettie, it's been awful!" He groaned, "I'm telling you, this Umbridge woman is a complete nutter. She's as mad as a bag of ferrets. She made all these crazy rules, basically put the Slytherins in charge, and has been using twisted, disgusting magic to cut into peoples' hands as a form of punishment. The only person who seems to like her is Filch, and that's saying something. She doesn't even allow us to use magic in class, which is one of the reasons Harry, Ron, and Hermione started Dumbledore's Army."

"Dumbledore's Army?" My brows knitted together, "What's that?"

"Blimey, I can't believe I haven't told you about this yet! There's been so much going on today that I completely forgot. But We're basically this underground group, and Harry teaches us defensive spells so that we can protect ourselves. We call it the DA for short."

If I'm Lucky {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now