Chapter Eighteen

Começar do início

“Well, maybe. We’re a step or two before that, but I can feel it coming. And I’m not going to go there if she’s going to get hurt. I’d rather let her go.” I said, looking down at my feet.

“That fact alone tells me it’s right.” She said. “You’d make a great boyfriend, Niall, and she’d be lucky to have you. It’s just about preparing her for what’s ahead. And preparing yourself, as well.” Eleanor said calmly. “I am happy to help her figure out her end, too.”

“So you’d do this again, with Louis? All of the hate, the loss of privacy, the scrutiny…?” I asked. She’s given her blessing, but I am still faltering.

“You’re forgetting all of the other horrible stuff I had to deal with. Like being madly in love, seeing the world, gaining four amazing brothers, and getting free clothes.” She said with a laugh. “I would absolutely do it again. I intend to keep doing it for as long as Louis will have me.”

She was right. The more focused I am on the bad, the more it will cast a shadow on the good. I thought about Roxy, peering into the lens of that telescope. Life is what you make of it. “Thanks, El. Love you.”

“Love you too, Niall. I’ll be at Lou’s later tonight if you still need to chat.”

Roxy’s POV

These last two work days have been incredibly long, and boring. I don’t mind the long hours when I have a project, but these recent days have been filled with endless emails, voicemail and boring meetings. The only bright spot in it all is that I’ve been too busy to be able to dwell on what an idiot I made myself out to be in front of Niall the other day.

I dropped my bag onto the table on the patio and sunk into the sleek metal chair. Penny and I were meeting up for our weekly Roomie Date Night, which we actually hadn’t had in over a month now. I knew I’d be at the office late, so instead of dinner, we agreed on coffee and dessert from our favorite little bakery. She was late, as usual. I considered for a moment leaning back in the chair and having a quick snooze. Instead, I pulled out my phone and typed up a grocery list. I wanted to eat my feelings, and pumpkin pie sounded perfect.

“Are you Roxy?” said a beautiful woman with wavy brown hair, and a purse that looked like a suitcase next to her tiny frame. I sat up straight. “Yes.”

“Hi. I’m Elean..” she started

“Eleanor. I’ve seen your picture.” I said. She looked a lot like Louis, actually. It was quite funny.

“Your friend Penny told me I could find you here. May I sit?” she said.

“Please do.” I said, moving my bag to the ground. The young woman from behind the counter came out to our table with two cups of coffee.

“My treat.” Eleanor said.

“Thank you.” I said. I looked around, feeling a little awkward.  “I’m sorry, this is a bit weird for me…”

“I can imagine.” She said, sipping her coffee. “I’ve been set to task. Ordinarily, I’d be putting you through the ringer right now, because I am very protective off all the boys. I am protective of Niall especially, because he is the sweetest. But, I talked with him yesterday, and I am satisfied that you’re a lovely woman.” She said. She spoke very quickly, and her voice was soft. I found myself leaning in to make sure I caught every word.

“What did he tell you exactly?” I said, curious as to how I was represented.

“Let me put it this way. There isn’t much I could say to him to change how he feels about you, even if I wanted to.” She said. We talked until our cups were empty. She really was a very sweet girl, just as Louis had said. I confessed to her the shouting match Niall and I had had in my apartment, and it was clear she’d already heard the story, but from another point of view.

“You want my advice?” she said. I nodded, eager to take on any wisdom she had to offer. “Follow your heart. Otherwise, you’ll be left wondering if what you passed on may have turned out to be something great.” She said.

I nodded, and let out a breath.

“But be smart. You can’t go up against all of the stuff that comes along with the boys’ fame. So, the key isn’t just to accept it, but to prepare for it.” She said.

“I haven’t even Googled him. Do you know how hard that’s been? I’ve pulled the criminal backgrounds of the last two guys I dated, and here I am seeing this guy, who has his whole life on display, and I promised myself I wouldn’t go looking.” I said. Eleanor laughed. It was strange to hear a laugh that loud come from her, given how soft-spoken she seemed.

“Well, that’s just unreasonable.” She said. “You should go online and look around. I’m not saying you need to be memorizing the 459 Facts About Niall Horan page, but you can read the articles. Enjoy the little fame-kickback.  But not the comments; Don’t ever read comments. Pinky promise me.” She said, sticking her finger out over our empty coffee cups on the table.

I hadn’t even considered that there could potentially be articles about me. Comments about me.  “So, if, you know…we…”I struggled to find the correct wording.

“Go public.” She said.

“Yes. If we do that, will you help me? I have no idea how to even begin.”

“Absolutely, love. Don’t fret. You can call me anytime.” We both gathered up our belongings, and cleared our table.

“It was really nice of you to do this, to come talk with me. You’ve made me feel immensely better. I hope you didn’t make a special trip.” I said.

“Oh, I had already come down to help Danielle, so it was really no trouble at all. I am glad we did this.” She said, as we opened the wrought iron gate and exited to the sidewalk.

“I haven’t met Danielle yet, but she seems lovely, from what I’ve heard from Niall and Liam.” I said. She stopped for a moment and adjusted her bag on her shoulder.

“Oh dear, you really do stay off the internet, don’t you?” she said. I waited for her to fill me in. “Liam and Danielle broke up.” 

In Other Words (Niall Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora