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(chapter seventeen)

Mature content
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OF COURSE John B went with her to the Heyward's Seafood. It was in fact a fish market, but also a normal grocery market, which they also sell homemade bread, savories and pastries. Pope was a little skeptical, but he trusted John B's judgement, and it didn't take long for Mr Heyward to hire the girl.

She was supposed to check inventory or be on the register, but after John B claim about her cooking talents, which JJ – appearing out of nowhere as he opened one soda can, being scolded by the older man — agreed, the man knew exactly where she was going to stay.

The Heywards were also known to have their fish savory, and since their chef had to take an absence leave because of an accident, she was going to be the only one in the small kitchen.

Talk about pressure.

She was glad that the man lend her the book he said it belonged to his grandmother, which was the secrets of their success.

And she could start the next day. So there she was: walking back to the Figure 8 with the cooking book tight in her hand, since the three boys had to leave with HMS Pogue to grab something. Eyes still followed her, and even if she barely remembered the bruises around her face Clara felt uncomfortable.

After a while of walking she was now standing in front of the house he was staying. Rafe had told her he and Ward had a bad argument, but he was working on it, so for the meanwhile he was staying there since they weren't on talking terms.

It felt kind of wrong to enter a house she wasn't invited, but she pushed the side door, going up the side stairs, just like Rafe told her to. After knocking on the glass of the door she heard steps from inside, and she felt a relief when her brown eyes met his electric blue ones.

"Hey, you" she smiled, and Rafe could only focus on her face. He was so angry at Susan Hughes, and he was going to go to the club to gave her a piece of his mind when Clara texted him.

"Hey, pretty girl," he said softly to her back, his left hand reaching out to cup her cheek and bring her to a kiss. His lips were barely ghosting over hers as he was scared that it would hurt, so Rafe kissed her forehead, pulling the girl closer as he closed the glass door behind her. "How's your nose?"

Clara tried to scrunch it like she usually do, but the stinging pain was still present, just a bit better. "Been better. It's still bad, so people keep staring."

"'Cause you still look ravishing," his fingers brushed the bruised cheek, as he kept the eye contact, as she tilted her head downwards and Rafe kissed her forehead once more, resting his head against the top of hers.

Rafe leaned his body on the table as Clara hugged him, his arms not hesitating on wrapping around her too, his eyes going to the hanging arm holding something. "So what's the book?"

"Mr Heyward hired me to work on the baking station," she mumbled against his chest, and Rafe furrowed his eyebrows as he pulled back slightly.

"You don't need to work, though-"

"But I do, Rafe," she looked up to him, feeling his finger caressing her back. "I can't expect to be living with your family-"

"We offered, okay? There's no problem."

"And I appreciate that, really. But it doesn't seemed fair to you," Rafe's eyes softened, a ghost of a smile appearing on his face. "If I can pay at least for my food or something, it would make me feel better."

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