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(chapter seven)

Clara didn't really know what time JJ left, she just woke up with Twix laying on her feet and an empty couch beside her. Not that she was complaining, it would've been nice to have a heads up.

The girl left her house after trying to turn on the lights, with no response, looking around to see what damage Agatha had done to the property. The fences from the balcony where completely trashed, another tree from the backyard was on the ground, along with a few branches all over the place, the ground almost covered with sand. So she head inside, sighing in relief when no apparent leaking was found, but the warm house was suffocating.

Giving a bowl of food for the orange fluff dog, she put a black biquini top, white tanktop along with shorts, leaving the house and going to the Camerons. Before she could reach the steps, a roar of a motorbike echoes, and she turned around to see Rafe parking a red bike she didn't know he had.

The boy took off his helmet, and he jog to her side, hand out to hold her own. His hair was down, first time since that night it wasn't gelled back.

"Hey, how's your house?" He asked, searching her face to make sure she was okay.

"Nothing major, I think, a few trees here and there, but no lights," she answered, feeling his tumb caressing the back of her hand. "Didn't know you had a bike."

"Just bought it, why? You wanna go on a ride with me?"

"I mean, it's pretty, but I'm not stepping a foot close to it."

Rafe smirked, and his eyes lit up, starting to drag her by the hand to the entrance doors. "That reminds me, I got something for you."

"What?" Her eyes widened, as she let Rafe lead her upstairs to his room, that was only two doors away from Sarah's.

It wasn't the first time she had been in his room, sure, the last time had been more than four years ago, but she noticed it didn't change much. The dark blue walls with a few black and white pictures hanging, the grey covered bed, brown dresser and desk, along with a mirror door on his closet, was almost exactly the same since he was younger, minus the toys and astronaut bedding.

He closed the door behind him, walking to his dresser and looking around one of the drawers. Clara stood still, waiting for whatever was that Rafe got her, and when he found it, he turned around, a small blue velvet box in his hand, she looked up at him, raising her eyebrows.

"No, I'm not asking you to marry me," he assured, the teasing smirk appearing on his face, as he saw her reaction, and she rolled her eyes at the comment. "Don't need to be disappointed."

"Oh, yes, 'cause I so want to be the next Ms Cameron," she remarked, and the boy shook his head, a smile on his face.

"C'mon, I'm trying to be nice," he replied, now opening the box, then turning so she could see it.

A small, eight pointed silver star, encrusted in tiny diamonds and a bigger diamond in the middle, hanging on a silver string. She moved closer, fingers touching the necklace.

"Rafe, that's beautiful," she whispered, looking up at him with a soft gaze and a shake of her head. "I can't take this."

"Yes, you can. I got this for you."

"It must have been expensive, and you didn't need to buy me anything."

"But I did, and I swear it's nothing," he insisted, reaching out his hand so he could cup her face. The fingers brushed her hair out, and he held his hand there. The tingling followed as he looked deep in her eyes. "You told me to find the second star to the right, and I did. So you will take it."

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