Chapter 10: Recovery and Sickness

Start from the beginning

"Sleep well, my lovely patient..."


When Yin's eyes shot open, he began to panic. His brain addled from the heat, he was delirious. In his mind, he believed himself to have died. Waking up to see the ceiling of a filthy shack scared him, made him panic. "A-ah... Agha...!"


He couldn't move his head, but he was in a position to see something dive into the icy water, the light too dim for him to make out the creature. Terror gripped his heart when he felt something brushing against the soles of his feet, an unseen hand caressing his skin gently. And as the water's surface tension broke, a head of golden hair moved into his line of sight.

He had never seen anyone like this in his life. Perfect skin, with not a single blemish in sight. It was like a porcelain doll. He could only say the first word that came to his mind.

"A... A-angel..."

The woman giggled softly, a delicate and smooth hand pushing against his chin. "I simply adore the compliment, dear... Stay still while I inspect you..."

Her voice was like silk - it was musical, beautiful, like a pure diamond. The woman stared into his eyes, humming softly. "... Just like the other one... You'll make a swift recovery... You are the second to awake, but... You do not seem well enough for questions..."

Yin's lips curled into a half-grin, his mind tearing itself apart. He died. He died. That was the only conclusion he reached. What else could be so beautiful? Only an angel. The woman seemed to pick up on his erratic behavior, listening to him giggle to himself quietly. "Oh dear... Perhaps another healing potion... Your brain appears to be scrambled... Hm?"

The siren could detect something inside his beating heart. He was facing a dilemma; his personality moral compass, and that of the Church. She was quick to figure out he was a cleric, a healer aligned with the terrible religion. His loyalty to the God of Light shrouded what he truly believed, and he didn't have the strength to fight it. "... Oh, my... You aren't sure who you are, are you dear?"

The woman pulled herself closer, her fingers running through his hair. He was too far out of it to notice the fish tail, lost in his own head. He needed rest. And just as she did with Salem, she began to sing that low, haunting song.

Slowly Yin's laughter died to silence, weak to the siren's music. As his face muscles began to relax, he found himself quickly falling into a deep sleep.

"Just a little longer, dear... Patience is a virtue. When you next awaken, you will be all better. Just let me help you..."


Ozpin opened his eyes groggily, without a small idea where he was. He was so cold. All around him, the water gently lapped at his neck, the freezing rag pressed against his forehead.

"And the third awakens..."

A voice. A voice Ozpin wanted to hear again. "Who... Who's... There...?"

A head of blonde hair emerged from the water, a pearly white smile staring back at him. "... And he seems to be coherent... The healing process is successful, so far... But will everyone wake up? Teehee... Only one way to find out..."

Unlike Yin, Ozpin noticed the fish tail as the siren pulled herself onto the ledge to lean over him, her perfect fingers tracing his forehead. He felt the fear.

"S... S-siren..."

An omen of death. That was what the siren was to him. And without his immortality, he could do little to protect Yin and Vao. The siren detected his mood, gently massaging his chest. "Ease, dear... Do not fear me... I mean no harm..."

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