Kitty, KitKat, Lady, and Bug

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Marinette and Emma sat quietly at the table with Tikki glaring at them, Plagg was there too but he had decided to busy himself with Emma's cell phone as he had not wanted to gain Tikki's wrath as well.

The time traveler hero looked at her future daughter, "So. how are-"

A cookie came flying into Marinette's face, "No."

"Come on!" Marinette groaned, " Can't I ask her anything?!"

"No, no, future knowledge," Tikki ordered, "It's bad enough you know Emma exists..."

"Rude," Emma muttered.

"...But now you know she's the future Cat Noir," Tikki ranted, "and don't get me started about Sophie."

"I mean she didn't find out about Sophie's mom," Emma offered helpfully, this earned her a confused look from Marinette then a cookie in the face from Tikki, "ow."

"Her mom? What does that mean?" Another cookie hit her face, "Tikki!"

"No! I'm not having a timeline disaster!" Tikki scolded holding a cookie like a weapon.

Emma sighed while Marinette waved her hands and growled in distress.

Marinette was so frustrated, her daughter was right, her future was right there. She could find out so much. Like is Emma an only child? Was Marinette a famous designer? How far in the future was she?

She groaned and placed head on the table.

The future Cat Noir looks upset and leaned over and did a light pat to her mother, "Sophie, eh, Mom, no Marinette. Let's go with Marinette. It's okay. It shouldn't be much longer."

"At least tell me we're happy," Marinette pleaded, "We're a happy family right?"

Emma's face went soft and she looked hopefully at Tikki. The kwami thought face twisting in pain before nodding.

Marinette looked in hope as Emma smiled at her softly, "When I was 3 whenever you were drawing your new design you'd set up a tiny desk for me to draw at. Dad would be in the living room playing piano with my siblings."

The two girls smiled at each other, "we were always a happy family."


Ladybug was not doing good at all. She and Cat Noir had caught up to the villain. But it didn't seem to want to lose at, like seriously a sentimonster copy of itself had even appeared to help itself. Seriously? Hawkmoth please.

"Might be time for help, lucky charm?" Cat Noir asked as he dodged a laser from the villains, the akuma FlashForward and the amok DoubleFlash.

Ladybug nodded and threw up her yo-yo, "Lucky Charm!"

Suddenly a stuffed bunny dropped in her hand, "Huh?"
She stared for a moment, "Bunny? Oh. Oh! I get it!"

Cat Noir stared confused, "Get it?"

The heroine nodded and looked at the hero, "Yes, remember to tell Bunnyx, We need help on this date at this time. She needs to get Cat Noir and Ladybug and bring them here."

"Bunnyx?" Cat asked confused as a portal appeared next to them and threw it being pushed out came a blonde girl dressed in a Ladybug outfit and a black haired girl like Cat Noir.

"Ow," the blonde muttered as the portal closed.

FlashForward aimed at the blonde Ladybug but the Cat Noir girl saw this and immediately threw her baton at the villain knocking it off target.

"KitKat!" the non-blonde Ladybug cheered at the girl Cat.

The girl Cat looked over at Cat Noir and Ladybug and was surprised, "So- I mean, Bug?!"

The blonde Ladybug glanced at Cat Noir and said, "Kitty?"

Cat Noir finally caught up, "My Lady?"


Shadow Moth in his lair cursed, "two Ladybugs and Cat Noirs?!"


Lady narrowed her eyes at the villains then called, "Kitty with me, you two distracted them!"

Every nodded and Bug ran over to help KitKat start distracting the villains with flips and running around them really pissing them off.

"I'm so happy to see you I could kiss you!" Bug smiled at her Cat Noir as she caught her from a flip she did and they both spun then kicked DoubleFlash together,

"Not in my mom's body you aren't," KitKat muttered to Bug.

A little ways below them had set up her net planning to the villains in her trap.

"My Lady I must sat this was a huge Cat-tastrophe," Kitty commented as he helped her tighten the spotted rope, "But you still look amazing, your beautiful soul shines through."

Lady rolled her eyes, "Not now, Kitty."

"Future Cat Noir and Ladybug now!"

Hearing that the future duo rolled back dodging punches and lazy as KitKat slammed her hand on the water main behind them and yelled, "Cataclysm!"

Water came rushing out carrying the villains down below into the waiting net that the heroes had set up.


Shadow Moth glared threw time and space, " Next time the future won't help you."


The future duo jumped down to meet the past as past Cat Noir broke the akumatized and amokitized items.

"Nice job," Lady nodded giving her daughter a smile.

The future Cat Noir nodded giving the past Cat Noir a look.

"Yeah! Pound it!" the future Ladybug cheered and threw her fist out.

Everyone smiled and pounded their fists together.

Then the Ladybugs gathered there their lucky charms and called "Miraculous Ladybug!"

Miraculous Future Side Story: Time SwitchWhere stories live. Discover now