Cat Noir and Adrien

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Ladybug stared. It wasn't an akuma.

It was a teenage boy with the snake miraculous, and he was throwing cars and general causing havoc.

"Ah, Ladybug," He greeted with a smirk full of malicus, "Just you today, where's the mangy cat?"

Ladybug didn't have an answer. A thousand things were running threw her head from the existences of a new Cat Noir to the fact that there was a villain other than Hawk Moth and Mayura with a miraculous.

"Not chatty today?" The snake boy taunted as he looked at her.

She chose to remain quiet and started swinging her yo-yo, narrowing her eyes.

"So serious today," the snake villain (?) he muttered and moved and flipped the switch on his bracelet, "Second chance!"

The spotted hero braced herself, ready for his attack. But the villain froze and yelled, "nope. Nope! I'm not doing this today!"

"Huh?" Ladybug asked confused as she heard a loud thud.

"Cobra," A voice growled.

Ladybug glanced behind her and blinked in surprise and then froze in absolute confusion.

It was Cat Noir, a teenage girl Cat Noir withblack hair and an angry look.

"Not, dealing with an angry Cat Noir!" Cobra cried as he turned to run.

"Stop right there!" Cat Noir cried as she started chasing after him but was stopped by a sailing car flying at her, "Fuck! Cataclysm!"

One destroyed car later only Ladybug and Cat Noir were left in the streets.

"Shit," Cat muttered as she turned to look at Ladybug, "What's the deal? You didn't try to stop Cobra."

Her deal? She was freaking out! She in the future! A future where villains have miraculous?! How did she let this happen?! Where was she?! The fuck was happening?!

She felt a hand on her shoulder and she saw that the anger had slid away and a concerned expression was now on Cat Noir's face, "Hey, talk to me? What's going on today?"

"It's complicated," Ladybug tried to hand wave away as she turned to leave.

"Hey," the black cat hero stopped her again, "Bug, that's not okay. You're being weird, normally you would have waited on me. You know you can tell me anything "

Ladybug stared at the pleading green eyes, very much like her Cat's. Thinking of what to say. Then she heard the familiar beep of Cat Noir's ring.

"Sorry, we've to go. Can't reveal ourselves," Ladybug cut off.

An unreadable look appeared on Cat's face as Ladybug swung away.

"What's going on here..." Cat Noir muttered as she stared at Ladybug suspiciously.


Sophie was tapping her fingers thinking hard as she glanced over at Adrien.

She knew that look, it was the I feel guilty over what happened look. Emma made the same face every once in a while, apparently Emma and Adrien shared more than just good looks.

The difference was she had no idea how to alleviate Adrien's worries, Emma was easy to help. Sophie's go to method was to wrap her and the cats up in a blanket and cuddle.

But Adrien was different. For one Sophie didn't really know the man, eh boy? Two, she was in Marinette's body. Marinette who was not his girlfriend yet. Marinette who didn't know he was Cat Noir yet so why would she even know something was wrong.

Ugh, why did that akuma have to run off...

As Adrien gained more of the sad cat look she couldn't take it anymore

She stood up and started walking over to talk to him.

"Sophie, you shouldn't!" Tikki pleaded but Sophie took the empty seat next to him.

Adrien didn't notice at first which, again, reminded Sophie of his daughter.

"So, what's wrong?" Sophie asked startling Adrien.

The boy looked confused at her, "Marinette? You snuck up on me."

Sophie smirked at him and asked again, "So, what's wrong?"

The boy looked sadly across the room at the window, "Just have a lot going on I guess. My father's getting more withdrawn plus Nathalie's getting worse..."

Oh, right. This was when Nathalie was really getting sick, honestly she forgot how alone and stressed the original Cat Noir and Ladybug were.

Sophie gave him a shoulder bump, "Hey, if you need anything, I'm here. Okay?"

A surprised look appeared on his face then a soft smile, "Wow, you're such a great friend, Marinette. Thanks"

Sophie almost swore she heard huffs and groans from around the room as he said the word friend, she nod and stood up and as she did she couldn't help but notice a peeved looking Chloe, geez she never got that look from her mother, and Lila and an elated looking Alya and Nino.

Okay, what the fuck? She just talked to the boy. Does Marinette not do that?


"So, you're waiting to catch the hopefully inexperienced person in Ladybug's body off guard?" Nathalie asked unconvinced.

"Yes," Gabriel assured as he picked up the peacock miraculous, "and this time the akuma will have a little help."

"Sir, I'm still confused how you came up with this akuma," the woman muttered.

"Look, I did mean for it to have this exact power but I shall not look a gifted horse in the mouth."

Nathalie sighed and wondered why she loved this man.

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