Chapter Five

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Spring, 1990

"What do you think about this one?" I asked Mariah as I tried on dresses for my first date with Mo

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"What do you think about this one?" I asked Mariah as I tried on dresses for my first date with Mo.

"Ooh bitch you trying to get fuck tonight." She said dancing in her seat.

"No, no, no." I said

Going out for the first time in forever was weird for me because I haven't been on a date since high school & it was with a boy that was not my type. So with Mo I want things to go smoothly & honestly I do want her to fuck me but nobody needs to know that.

"How do you think Jax is going to feel?" She asked fixing her hair.

"About what ?" I asked touching up my lipstick.

"You going out with Lorenzo's girl." She said causing me to quickly turn around.

"What? Lorenzo?" I questioned

"Yeah they have been together for years I heard & you know Jax hates Lorenzo he has been trying to take that nigga out since he came on the set."

"She told me they was just friends why would she lie to me?"

"I don't know but you need to ask her." Mariah stood up facing me

"Look Jan you are my best friend & I dont want nothing to happen to you so be very careful with that woman I heard she use to be in the life after Lorenzo went to jail so please be cautious." She said touch my arm.

I looked down, "I hear you."

"Alright page me when you get home I love you sis." She said hugging me.

"I love you too." I said, I walked in the living where my mom was sitting on the couch with Theresa, we actually talked & she's not that bad but I just hope she loves & cares about my mom.

"Where you going sweetie?" She asked sitting up.

"Oh umm out with a friend."

"I just Mariah leaving your not going with her?"

"No it's a special friend." I said

"You have date Janet?" Theresa asked smiling

"Yeah I guess you could say that." I said shrugging

"Well you have fun & please call if anything happens." She said

"Ok mom I love you, bye Theresa." I waved grabbing my purse & walked outside.

Mo's car pulled up & I walked down the car as she leaned over opening the car door for me.

"You look amazing." She said as I hopped in the car

"Thank you." I closed the door.

I took in her appearance & I couldn't lie she was so damn beautiful, I never seen another woman who looked this good before besides on tv.

"Everything ok?" She asked

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"Everything ok?" She asked

"Yeah but I need to ask you something before we leave." I said before she turned the car on.

"Anything?" She asked moving my hair out of my face.

"Who is Lorenzo Tejada to you?" I questioned

She looked at me like she didn't know what to say.

"Can we talk about this after dinner?" She asked

I sighed thinking hell no I wanna know now but I nodded as she started the car.

"So what do you have a taste for?" Hell you if you would let me.

"Um, some steak or pasta."

"Ok no problem, so tell me how was your day?" She asked

"It was fine, I went shopping with my bestie Mariah."

"How long have you two been friends?" She asked

"Woah um since diapers, my sister died when I was young so Mariah is like my sister."

"My best friend is like my sister too so I get that." She said

Her pager went off & she grabbed it turning it off.

We arrived at the restaurant & it was a lot of rich people here I dont know how she can afford this maybe she is a drug dealer.

We were seated at a big booth, "You been here before?"

"Naw I never heard of this place before." I said looking around.

"Well maybe if I play my cards right I can bring you places like this more often." She said touching my leg.

I started getting wet already just by her touch alone.

"Good evening ladies." The waitress said causing us to break eye contact.

"What I can get you two to drink?" She asked with a smile.

"Can we get your best champagne" Mo said rubbing my leg.

"Yes, I will be right back."

"Can we talk about Lorenzo now?" I asked causing her to move her hand.

"What do you wanna know?" She asked taking a deep breath.

"Who is he too you?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well, he's my boyfriend." She admitted

"Really?" I asked

"Yes" She bit her lip nervously

Hearing that she has a boyfriend at first I was so pissed but maybe she didn't want to be with him anymore.

"Then why are you trying to peruse me?"

Mo sighed, "Because Janet, something about you is just amazing & honestly after Lorenzo got out of Jail he changed dramatically."

"Do you sell drugs with him?" I asked

"No not anymore." She said

"Anything else?" She asked

I looked down shaking my head no, "I understand if you don't want to deal with me."

"Do you love him?" I asked looking back up at her

She took a deep breath, "No"

My mind was telling not to believe her but my heart was telling me that she was telling the truth so only time will tell.

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