Chapter Four

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Spring, 1990

You love me now, and then you don'tBaby, why do you keep playin' these gamesI feel like I'm on a merry go roundGoin' round and round and round and round and round

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You love me now, and then you don't
Baby, why do you keep playin' these games
I feel like I'm on a merry go round
Goin' round and round and round and round and round

"Your food ok babe?" My husband asked as we sat the dinner table eating.

"Yeah it's fine" I gave a fake smile.

I was lying my mind was on Janet, her body and the how shy she is makes me want to get to know her a lot more & honestly I want to lick her pussy right then and there I have always been a dominate person so with Janet I want her to be submissive to me.

"Mo." Lorenzo said my name knocking me out my thoughts.


"Did you hear me, I gotta go handle that business tonight." He said sipping his drink.

"Oh did you need me to come?" I asked

"Naw remember I told you since I am out now you don't need to work anymore."

"Yeah but babe I took care of the business & I don't want to just a housewife."

He sighed, "Mo I don't want nothing happening to you I will kill if someone hurts you."

"I know..."

"Then it's settled"

"Why can't we do it together?" I questioned

"Because these nigga be out here killing women & kids."

"So that's why we can't have a baby?" I asked causing Lorenzo to sigh.

His pager went off  "Look I gotta go can we talk about this later." He said standing up from his chair coming around to my side trying to kiss me but I moved away.

"Whatever." He said grabbing his jacket & left out the house.

I decided to sit on the porch & smoke a blunt & drink some wine to calm my nerves.

As I was sitting there I saw someone walking down the street, I saw it was Janet she look like she was tired.

"Janet?" I questioned causing her to look over at me

"Mo right?" She asked stopping in her tracks facing me.

"Yeah what are you doing out here at this time of night?" I asked as I walked off the porch to talk to her.

"I was walking home with my best friend but she found some boy to go talk to." She giggle.

"You didn't find anybody?" I asked staring in her beautiful brown eyes.

"Nobody I wanted." She said & you could feel the sexual tension between us.

I cleared my throat, "Umm can I give you a ride home?"

"Naw it's just a couple of blocks over I will be fine." 

"No I insist there be a lot of crackheads around these parts this time of night." I said

She smiled, "Ok."

I went in the house & grabbed my keys off the table & walked back outside.

"So how old are you?" I asked pulling out the driveway.

"21, you?"

"Oh gosh you are so young, I am older than that" I said

"Tell me you can't be that much older." She said giggling.

"I am 30" I said feeling embarrassed

"What really? No way" She said

"You look good for that age." She said causing me to look over at her.


"You do, oh this is my house right here." She said pointing to her house where a bunch of guys were sitting on the porch.

I pulled over & put the car in park, "who are all those guys?"

"My brother & his broke ass friends they hang out here all the time."

"Where are your parents?" I asked

"You ask a lot of questions but My mom is at work right now & my father has never been there for me." I said

"Well I want to get to know you." I said turning in my seat.

"Why?" She asked putting her head down

"Because..." I put my hand underneath her chin making her look up at me.

"You are so beautiful & I know there is a beautiful soul in your heart too." I said.

We locked eyes & I wanted to kiss her so bad but Lorenzo was in the back of my mind.

"Well umm good night." She said moving away from me.

"Wait Janet?"

"Yeah." She asked turning back to me.

"Can I take you out sometime?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

She thought about it for a second, "Yeah sure when?"

"Umm Friday we can go get dinner." I said

"Ok." She said opening the door.

"Be ready at 8." I said as she got out the car.

She turned back around, "Ok." She waved

Damn this girl was something else & I couldn't wait to tag that ass, but more importantly get to know her.

I went back home & sat on the couch drinking some more wine & lit another blunt playing some low music so I could wait up for Lorenzo we needed to talk.

At 1 in the morning I heard the front door open & close.

"Mo you still up?" I heard Lorenzo ask walking in the room.

"Where you been?" I asked looking up at him.

"Man you know where I was don't start this bullshit."

"Start what I know you wasn't out making money probably out fucking bitches." I said standing up.

"Man chill out with that let's go upstairs." He said trying to grab me but I backed away.

"No, you probably smell like that bitch." I said pushing him back.

"Monique chill out."

"Fuck you." I said pushing him again.

"Baby." He said grabbing me pulling me into him.

Tears streamed down my face, "I hate you"

He pulled my face up too him connecting our lips, I don't feel the things I use to with my husband but my body needed a release.

He picked me up & laid me on the couch, "What are you doing?"

"Making you feel good." He said unbuttoning my pants pulling them down & proceeded to give me some head.

"Oh shit." I moaned.

Gosh my life was a damn mess & I dont know if I would want to bring Janet in that.

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