Clint apologised while saying they only had two spare bedrooms. Matthew decided he would sleep on the couch in the room with Elliot and Reid as they would all share a room. Clint asked if I wanted to share a room with Loki since we were close to one another. I agreed as I didn't want Loki to have no where to sleep.

Some time passed by as Laura announced that dinner was ready. We all headed downstairs to the kitchen and dining room as we all sat down at the large table before us. Laura set up the table with the help of her children who were both very young—a young girl and a slightly older boy. The young girl helped pass out plates to everyone as we all accepted them, thanking the child. The older boy helped pass out napkins and utensils which we all once again, thanked the children for their services.

Once we all finished eating, everyone departed their separate ways to the rooms they were sharing. I decided to take a shower really quick as I brought my change of clothes with me. After my shower, I warned Laura and Clint about my night terrors as Elliot and Reid and Matthew were all there to support my explanation. Loki chimed in that he should be able to help soothe my mind from my night terrors as everyone was relieved, including me.

When we reached the room it was expected there would only be one bed. Loki and I looked at each other as we then glanced back at the bed.

"So," I started, clasping my hands behind my back, "who gets the bed?"

"Obviously you. You're still injured and need proper rest," Loki explained, not looking away from the bed.

"No, you're a prince, royalty should sleep in the bed," I protested.

Loki rolled his eyes at the mention of his title. It was late at night and we were both here arguing at who sleeps in the bed.

"I can just sleep on the couch," Loki muttered as he made his way to the couch.

I caught Loki by his arm as I stopped him.

"No. I can sleep on the couch while you sleep on the bed." I stated.

We both eventually kept bickering until we both decided we were too tired to deal with this as we both decided we would sleep on separate sides of the bed and call it a night.

I fell asleep as I walked around in darkness. I didn't know where I was as everything was an endless nothing. It was empty. I wondered around, calling out Loki's name. I only got my echo back as a response as I walked around some more. I went from walking to running, slowly panicking as I couldn't find anyone or anything around me. I felt stuck, like I couldn't breathe. I began hyperventilating, screaming out into the abyss in hopes of someone hearing me.

-Third Person POV-
Loki woke up as he heard Lorna groaning in her sleep. She began hyperventilating along with tossing and turning. She hugged herself as Loki noticed she began crying. Quickly, he sat up and began to shake Lorna, trying to wake her up. Lorna suddenly sat up and screamed while crying out loud. Loki covered Lorna's mouth as she screamed to keep her from waking up the children. Lorna was in a cold sweat, breathing heavily as she frantically glanced around the room.

Loki hushed Lorna as he rubbed circles on her back to calm her down. Lorna realised it was just a nightmare as she sighed out in relief. Loki brought Lorna closer to him as he slowly wrapped his arms around Lorna—hoping that this would help calm her down. Lorna's breathing slowly became steady as she closed her eyes, focusing on her breathing. Loki laid them both back down as he held Lorna close to his chest, still rubbing small circles on her back. He placed one of his hands against Lorna's forehead as she closed her eyes, allowing Loki to touch her. Loki used his seidr to overcome Lorna's worrisome thoughts to thoughts that were calm.

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