Chapter 12: Reunion

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Papa seems to be thinking about what to do, but before he can think of anything, Mama leans in and cuddles up to him. "Please Soviet, honey, let's stop arguing for the moment.", Mama begs Papa, "We haven't seen each other for so long and the last time we saw each other, we had a bigger argument that same day. We've both been through a lot and finally we can be together again, please let's enjoy this time for now and work out the issues later because I'm not able to do it right now. I want a break from all the tension." "I also want to take a break and enjoy finally having you back.", says Papa as he turns to Mama and puts his hands on his cheeks, "I'm so sorry for all the trouble I've caused and I deeply regret the pain and suffering that I inflicted on our family without really realizing it at the time. You are my husband my love we should always and forever stick together no matter what happens and we will be there for one another. I don't even know what got into me a few minutes ago, actually I wanted to hug you and kiss your face as soon as I see your heartwarming smile as we hug and our little angel is right in the middle so that we can have a beautiful reunion, but then out of nowhere I got scared for you and for me because I'm scared of people's reaction. I'm such a coward!"

Mama then hugs him and tells him clearly: "You're not a coward, honey, please don't say something like that. I shouldn't have run away, I should have stayed with you, if anyone's a coward here, it's me because I let these stupid problems intimidate me." Papa pushes Mama away and grabs his shoulders before telling him in no uncertain terms, "You only wanted what was best for us, you're no coward, love." "But then you aren't either!", scolds Mama and they make eye contact before getting closer and hugging each other and running their hands down each other's backs while smiling. This is unexpected but cute, especially since they're both smiling again. "I love you, honey!", I hear Mama say quietly. "I love you too, love!", comes back from Papa. They both hug each other tightly before both stepping slightly away from each other to kiss. Why do they always kiss each other on the mouth and us children always on the cheek or forehead? A kiss is a kiss right?

Back on topic, my parents look happy again and Papa even cries a little bit. Mama puts a hand on his cheek and kisses him over and over until the two kiss for a long time. After the longer kiss, both look deep into each other's eyes and they stroke each other's cheeks with their hands. Suddenly Mama just hugs him out of nowhere and snuggles into Papa's chest. He also looks surprised for a moment before he starts stroking his back happily. Mama has his eyes closed and gently and lovingly snuggles up to Papa, who seems to be enjoying it too, although I can't see his expression from here. Mama whispers something and then kisses Papa's cheek before he turns to him and says something so quietly I can't hear it. Mama seems to be holding back a laugh at this, giggles and he gets an increased bloodreddish color tone on his cheeks before whispering something to Papa again. They both look into each other's eyes and kiss.

They both look happy and that makes me happy too. Mama then puts his arms around Papa's neck and runs with his hands along his skin to his head. Papa meanwhile moves his hands to Mama's wings, which he strokes along. But Mama's wings tremble from his movements until he digs his fingers between Mama's feathers and they stop shaking and instead the feathers stand up.

After the longer kiss, my parents look deep into each other's eyes and Papa squeezes his eyes shut before a tear falls from his eye and very slowly flows down his face. Mama kisses the spot where the tear falls before he looks at Papa again and asks: "Honey, do you want to tell me how you are?" Papa is a bit confused at first, but he quickly seems to be satisfied again. "If you don't mind, I'd like to hear as much as how you are, how you're doing and what you've experienced.", Papa says to him. Mama sits or lies on his side on Papa's lap and leans into his chest before he says: "I'd love to tell you about this, but it's your turn first." "No, I insist that you start.", Papa disagrees. "I asked first, so it's your turn first. Tell me everything you want.", Mom agrees, relaxed. Of course I want to listen too.

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