Chapter 11: Eating ice cream

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I wake up relaxed and quickly realize where I am. I'm happy right away. Finally we get Mama back! I snuggle even more to Papa, who fortunately doesn't wake up and slowly fall asleep again.

A few hours later my siblings are playing some board games in the guest room and I tell Papa about Mama.

"Sowjet, dein Ehemann ist gerade schon wieder dabei mein ganzes Geld für Eis auszugeben und dieses Mal denke ich nicht, dass er mir nur einen einzigen Mark zurückzahlen kann. (Soviet, your husband is about to spend all my money on ice cream again and this time I don't think he can pay me back even a single mark.)", said a man in front of the door. Papa's husband?... Mama!

Papa wants to storm out the door, but he's stopped by the man who says: "Verkleide dich und komme mit. (Dress up and come with me.)" I dress up too! "Engelchen, wenn du mit mir mit willst, ziehe dich an! (Angel, if you want to come with me, get dressed!)", comes from Papa. I call out to him: "Mache ich! (I'll do it!)" I can't believe Papa lets me come with him. I run to the guest room and get my clothes, which I put on as I head for the stairs.

Together we walk down the street disguised with the man and Papa suddenly stops dead in his tracks. Why did he stop? When I look up at him, his eyes are wide and his mouth is open. I follow his stare and see him. It's Mama! Mama is really here! I can't hold on any longer and start running immediately. Many children are around him and he is standing in front of an ice cream parlour.

He looks at me and he starts grinning widely with delight before he runs past the children to me. We hug each other laughing. He then kisses my cheek and then puts his hands on my cheeks before we face each other. We are both very happy. "Du bist so groß geworden! (You've grown so much!)", he states happily before asking me, "Dürfte ich dir den Hut und den Schal abnehmen (May I take of your hat and scarf?)" "Ja, Mama! (Yes, Mama!)", I answer him. He carefully removes the two pieces of clothing and gives me an even happier look, if that's possible. Mama says enthusiastically: "Du bist nicht nur viel größer, du bist noch viel schöner, als ich dich in Erinnerung habe und wir uns immer im Traum begegnen. (You are not only much bigger, you are even more beautiful than I remember you and when we always meet in dreams.)" Then he kisses my cheek and hugs me tightly. I hug him back and say: "Ich habe dich lieb Mama! (I love you Mama!)" "Ich habe dich auch lieb mein Engelchen! (I love you too, my little angel!", I hear the enthusiasm and excitement in his voice. I turn my head to his cheek and kiss him, Mama looks overjoyed and kisses my cheek again. Finally I have Mama back! I'm finally with him! Mama asks: "Ich möchte deinen Vater auch noch begrüßen. Wäre es in Ordnung für dich, wenn ich ihm auch noch 'Hallo' sage, bevor ich dir und deinem Papa ein Eis hole? (I'd like to say hello to your father too. Would it be okay if I say hello to him before I get you and your dad an ice cream?)" "Ja, kein Problem Mama! (Yes, no problem Mama!)", I answer him.

He lets me go and kisses my cheek again before giving me another loving smile and then looks at Papa and runs towards him before jumping at him and they hug and hug tightly while Mama wraps his wings around Papa. I'm getting closer to my happy parents. The people around us look very confused. I see Mama's face is Papa's face very close, I think they're about to kiss. Papa looks more nervous than happy, but then Mama also seems worried to me.

"Was ist los Schatz? (What's up honey?), Mama asks. "Can we please kiss in the house?", asks Papa, "All the people are looking at us." "Sie wissen eben noch nicht, dass wir eine Familie sind. (They just don't know that we're a family.)", says Mama carelessly, to which he giggles, "Jetzt küsse mich schon, ich will nach vier einhalb Jahren fühlen, dass ich nicht träume, sondern dass mein Traum meine Familie wiederzusehen endlich wahr geworden ist. (Now kiss me, after four and a half years I want to feel that I'm not dreaming, but that my dream is to finally see my family again came true.)" I can hear his happiness loud and clear and it makes me even happier, but Papa is still the same as before. "We can kiss Reich, but please not now.", comes from Papa. What's the matter with Papa? Mama asks him: "Sag mir bitte wieso. (Please tell me why.)" "I can't kiss you in front of so many people, love.", Dad replies to him. "Schatz wir sind seit fü... 1942 verheiratet. Wir haben es diesen liebenswürdigen Menschen verheimlicht, weil wir gegen alles gearbeitet haben, was wir ihnen Jahre vorher eingeredet haben. Trotzdem lieben uns diese Menschen, wir sind ihre Helden und wir sind ihre Countryhumans. Wir haben keine Länder mehr und ich dachte für über eine Ewigkeit, dass ich meine Familie verloren hätte, bis der Trick mit den Albträumen geklappt hat, aber sogar dann hatte ich nur ein wenig Hoffnung und es hat mir so leid getan unsere Tochter so zu quälen. Jetzt habe ich euch wieder und bitte dich nur um einen kleinen harmlosen Kuss auf die Lippen. (Honey, we've been married for... 1942. We kept it from these lovely people because we worked against everything we told them years before. Yet these people love us, we're their heroes and we're their Countryhumans. We have no more countries and I thought for ages that I had lost my family until the nightmare trick worked but even then I had little hope and I felt so sorry for our daughter. Now I have you again and I only ask you for a small harmless kiss on the lips.)", Mama tells him in detail. It must have felt awful to think that everyone else in the family had died. I also doubted that everyone is really alive. Please Papa just kiss Mama! Papa looks a little sad. "I didn't know you were that bad, but still, what would they think if we kissed if they were looking at us like that while hugging?", Papa asks. I do not understand that. Mama slowly lets go of Papa and he does the same.

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