Chapter 4: The monster

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I'm sitting again at the entrance of our hiding place and have mama's book in my hands. I don't want to sleep anymore or I'll have another nightmare. Why did everything just have to change? was it my fault? Shouldn't I have flew away? What if I had never been there? What would have happened if I had never existed? Would my family be better off then? Am I to blame for my family disappearing and the whole world becoming like this? No one can answer these questions for me and I don't think my questions will ever be answered. I've ruined the life of everyone on the entire planet.

Why did I do this? What should I have done differently? How can I make things right again? I want to make sure my whole family is together again and I want to make the innocent people feel better. I want to see mama and papa again. I want to see Russia, Germany, GDR, Belarus, Ukraine, Latvia and FRG again. I want to see my other half brothers and sisters again. I want to go home and I want everyone to be happy and well. If only there was one answer. I lie down slowly. I can't sleep! I can't fall asleep!

I see the house our old house! I am back at home! I immediately run into our house and call: "Mama, papa, where are you?" I hear nothing and shoot the front door. I see the wooden stairs up. The living room is empty. Is the house empty? When I look out the window, I can't see anyone either. I can't find anyone in the kitchen either. "PAPA!!! MAMA!!!", I call out. Still nothing. I go to the stairs and go the steps up. I hear dad screaming in pain. I immediately run after his screams, which stop after a crack. When I get to the room, I ask scared: "P-Papa?"

I push the door further open and see my papa, FRG, GDR, Ukraine and Latvia lying on the floor. They had large wounds from which blood flowed in large amounts. I notice that papa has different eyes than usual because his eyes here are red, but he's still my papa. I see a pitch black being in front of the corpses. This being was more than pitch black, it has such a shade of black that I can't tell what its body shape is. This black body looks like it is made of black fire. Then I see something that looks slightly like his face from the layout. It has sky blue eyes and red flames emanate from them.

White flames emanate from the corners of the monster's mouth and I can see a much lighter shade of black between those assumed corners of the mouth. Are those his lips? The monster's lips were covered with blood and this blood dripped to the ground. This monster has gigantic and has long claws, from which red flames, which then turned white and lighter black emanate. There is blood on these too. The creature turns even more toward me and I see the red bone like structures that remind of an arm but look more like wings in terms of size and area. Between the bone like ones are white flames that fill that space between the fingers or whatever that is, making it look even more like a wing.

The monster has two sky blue horns, these have several plates that go backwards and point forward with their tips. The creature is also three times my height. It's terrifying and just the fact that it killed my family is a sign that it's intent on doing the same to me. As it slowly comes closer to me, I press myself against the wall. Wait, where's that wall coming from? I look around. Now I'm in a dark cell with this monster. It's getting closer to me. I run to a corner and tremble in fear. It makes some sound so high it makes my ears hurt. I cover my ears with my hands so its tone doesn't hurt me.

I don't hear a sound from it anymore. Has it stopped? The creature comes closer to me carefully, I look into its eyes and even more fear and panic grows in me. If I could run away, from the monster, I would run away and fly away as fast as I can. The monster stops and turns its head slightly to the side. What is it up to? What does it want to do to me? Only now do I realize that the blood is gone. When did it go away? What is this monster planning? Is it contemplating how to kill me or torment me first and then kill me or just kill me with one hit? It extends its claws towards me, but holds what is after the claws, its paw pad, towards me. I press myself against the wall even more.

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