Chapter 10: Little journey

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Triumphantly I crawl back into the hiding place. Then I run to my siblings and announce: "I chased them away! However, the entrance is broken now and that's why I'll take you to Papa later." My three siblings nod and come closer to me. "What are we going to do in the meantime?", Kazakhstan asks me. "I don't know... stay here because we can't really go anywhere else.", I say, because there's no better plan, especially since I don't want to leave each of my siblings and all of our belongings unprotected. It's all ours and no one gets our stuff. "Is it safe outside?", asks Libertasland.

I answer him: "Probably for now, but I'm not quite sure." "Maybe we should go outside and hide outside because if people say where we are, we have a real problem.", says Estonia. I'm like: "That's true, but what if they're looking everywhere for us, exactly because of that?" "Then we'll hide in the trees, you can carry Libertas, I'm good at climbing and Kazakhstan has wings, just like you.", comes from her. I'm against it: "No, that's too risky for me, we'll dress up and go through the forest towards the city." Suddenly I hear: "Can't we just stay here and play outside for now."

"No, Libertasland, this is about our survival, so we won't play until much later.", I tell him. "Please sister.", he asks me. "Libertasland, first we'll find a safe place and then we'll play and if it doesn't work, after you meet Papa you can play with me and maybe our two siblings and Papa in the house.", I tell him. Libertasland looks disappointed with what I told him. He can sometimes be really exhausting because he always prefers playing to surviving, but unfortunately I can't change that, I'm our protector and he's just a kid that doesn't really understand anything about it yet.

"We should really go to Papa because he will protect us all and I promise you that we will still play, little brother.", Kazakhstan says happily, which also makes my little brother smile slightly. Estonia doesn't object to my plan either, so I guess it's time to put on your costumes and go. Me and Libertasland collect all our costumes before we take them to our big sister and big brother. We divide up the clothes and put them on in such a way that we are not recognizable as much as possible.

Unfortunately I have to leave my book behind because it's safer here and after all it's a gift for Papa from Mama and it... maybe that's exactly why I should take it with me. Maybe it could cheer up Papa! I carry the book under my arm and walk out of the forest with all my siblings.

I lead everyone to the train station where we get on the train and I and my family get on the train and we wait for it to leave. I have my little brother sitting on my lap because I am responsible for him and that is the best way to take care of him. My little brother also feels better because he's hugging me and for him that means he's relaxing. I smile happily and relax, but the train doesn't move. Why does it take so long?

Shortly afterwards I hear the one who always walks through the train about the tickets, which makes me tense. When I look at my family members, they are no better. The woman is doing something different today. She also has a weird device in her hand, which she strokes over someone's arm until a red light comes on. Darn it! It's about whether you've put a small metal plate in your skin. But the second one she checks has no light, so she pulls out a camera and photographs his face. What is she up to? Shortly thereafter she is with us checking our arms but I refuse along with Libertasland who I am protecting. After the photos, she disappears again. I have a bad feeling. "How about we hide?", I say. "It won't be anything.", believes my big sister. I ask: "Could we still hide? I'm feeling pretty uncomfortable." "If it makes you feel better, we can hide.", says Kazakhstan. "Thanks!", I say and I quickly decide where to hide.

"Let's hide under the seats.", I suggest. We slide under the table and make ourselves small before hiding under the seats. I also wrap my wings around me and my little brother, who I hold tightly to me. He's clinging to me. I give him a small reassuring smile, not letting his fear get too big. I have the book under me during this time.

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