Chapter 8: Niranians and Countryhumans

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I'm slowly waking up again. I wake up on grass. The blades of grass brush my skin and the wind glides over my body. I place one arm under me and push myself up with my uninjured arm. Oddly enough, I'm not tired at all. I look around a bit and see my dad lying on the ground next to me. I watch him a bit while deciding if I should shake him awake. After thinking about it for a moment, I approach him and kiss his cheek. He smiles slightly and opens his eyes. Papa is awake and gets up with me. When I look around again, I see that we are in the garden of our former home.

Papa takes my hand and we both walk barefoot across the grass to the terrace made of wood and through the back door into the house. There's one of those black monsters again! This time it rips, a kind of doppelganger of Papa, to pieces. The blood splashes around, then I hear a crack and it throws the doubleganger against the television. Only then do I see that the doppelganger has been cut in half and its spine has been ripped out. Then the double of my sister Belarus walks up to us and she looks like she wants to hurt me. Papa pulls me closer to protect me.

However, just a few meters away from us, the Niranian grabs her and throws her away, after biting so hard that her arms and legs are so severed they go limp. Papa lets go of me and slowly walks around me that he is in front of me. I see the Niranian moving closer to him, but relatively slowly. What should I do?! I have to protect Papa somehow, but how? Why is he even approaching this monster? Unless that Niranian- My thoughts are interrupted by Papa: "Love... is that really you I'm looking at?" The Niranian appears to be nodding and makes a low pitched rumbling sound.

is that really Mama? I'm lost for words. All along was it Mama? I'm still too unsure to get closer, but I walk around my parents so that I can see both of them better. Papa starts crying while laughing with joy. Both look deep into each other's eyes. Mama approaches Papa with his teeth, but doesn't open his mouth. Papa kisses Mama's teeth gently. Why is he kissing his teeth? Mama gently wipes away Dad's tears with the back of his claws. As my dad stops kissing his teeth, he says lovingly: "As soon as I saw you, I knew it was you, because who else could be as beautiful as you."

Mama makes a purring noise and tries to hug Papa, but they walk right through each other. "Unfortunately, I won't be able to hold you until later,love.", Papa states and sounds a little disappointed or sad. Mama then lightly presses his front teeth on his cheek. Are the teeth like his lips? Mama walks a little away from Papa and makes noises. He seems to be talking, but apart from his questioning eyes, I don't understand anything. "Love, I don't understand your language.", Papa says sadly. Mama then points to him and waits for him to ask: "Me?"

Then Mama nods and points to the corpses of the doublesganger. "Do you think I could be a doubleganger?", Papa asks Mama, who nods. "I'll prove it to you!", he says. Papa gets closer to him and strokes his glowing horns and tells: "After we had our little girl, you were exposed to some of your greatest fears for a week, you were beaten bloody, you got bone after bone broken and raped. After we got you out and you got better you had trauma from it and I always made sure you had a light somewhere because as soon as it's dark you got a panic attack.

Once, Russia accidentally turned off the light in the hallway at night. You woke up immediately and hugged me so tight, as if you're afraid at any moment that I'll just disappear. At that time you pressed yourself so tightly against me that I was afraid that you would faint because you pressed so hard. No one has made that mistake since that night. Is that enough proof, love?" Mama looks up at him and presses his teeth against Papa's lips. I know the story, not in as much detail as Papa just told, but I read about the situation and heard about it from my siblings at the time.

I get closer to them. "When you're back to your normal form, I'm going to kiss your whole body three million times~", Papa says, pointing out 'full body' in particular. Mama looks deep into Papa's eyes again and Papa kisses him on top of that. I don't understand why he put so much emphasis on 'full body' but Mama seems to like it. Mama puts the back of his claws under Dad's chin and makes purring noises again as they look deep into each other's eyes. "I love you too, my love.", says Papa, more tears streaming down his cheeks. Papa takes Mama's claws and kisses them.

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