Chapter 6: Human and Countryhuman

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A week goes by without anything, no hint, nothing and I'm on my way into town with the basket. I am in one of the back wagons of the train. It's a train with a radio, but once again there's nothing on the radio except lies to scare you. Only banned radio frequencies still have music, because lies are more important than music. I prefer music though. They constantly try to scare that there are certain groups of people who are supposed to be dangerous. This time it is demonstrating Germans who are so dangerous. It amazes me that people still go to the demonstrations at all.

The people who go to the demonstrations are not treated well and are even beaten to death from what I've heard. The train stops and I get off. Not many people here. It's usually full of people here on Mondays. I don't get on the tram this time and walk because the way is not far and I hear roaring that draws my attention. I need to investigate what's going on there. I walk in the direction of the roar. As I look around a house, I see many people gathered with signs. It must be hundreds or maybe even thousands of people.

Many with signs against the rule of Britain and the Niranic Globalist Union and for the Countryhumans to be released. That's how people in a city stand up for us. The Niranic Globalist Union is what Britain has made of every country. There's even a new Countryhuman called NGU or Niranic Globalist Union, but that has the same character as Britain, so maybe they're related. The demonstrators are also shouting something in rhythm, but I don't understand it because too many people are singing at the same time. I'm sure people will come soon to punish them. I already feel sorry for you.

"Hello!", someone calls me and comes to me, I look up a bit to see his face. That's the boy from the woods who aimed a gun at me! Can I trust him? He stops in front of me before asking: "Aren't you the one who was out in the woods with her little brother a week ago?" Am I telling the truth? For now, I'm trying to lie: "N-No, I'm definitely not!" He takes my arm and pulls me into an alley. "What was that supposed to be?!", I scold him. He puts my hat of my face so he can see my face and exclaims: "Ich wusste es! Du bist der Countryhuman, dem ich begegnet bin! (I knew it! You're the Countryhuman I met!)" "Ja, trotzdem verstehe ich nicht, wieso du mich gehen gelassen hast und du dich so über mich freust. (Yeah, but I still don't understand why you let me go and why you're so happy about seeing me.)", comes from me.

He replies: "Ich habe euch gehen gelassen, weil ich Mitleid mit dir und deinem Bruder hatte, außerdem bin ich nur Countryhumansjäger wegen meinem Vater geworden, ich will weder dir, noch irgendeinem anderen schaden, ich brauche nur Geld, weil es meiner Familie nicht gut geht, wegen der Vergangenheit meines Vaters. (I let you go because I felt sorry for you and your brother, besides, I only became a Countryhumans hunter because of my father, I don't want to harm you or anyone else, I just need money because my family doesn't have it going well because of my father's past.)" I look a little more into his face now and see his sea blue eyes and his wild and relatively short blond hair.

With his smile he looks like a really nice guy. "Ich höre gerne Geschichten über euch Countryhumans, besonders über deine Eltern habe ich viel gehört. Sie sind fantastisch! (I love hearing stories about you Countryhumans, I've heard a lot about your parents in particular. They're amazing!)", he says, "Ich habe viele Fragen, aber ich sehe gerade nur eine ein wenig wichtiger. Wie heißt du? (I have many questions, but I only see one that is particularly important right now. What's your name?)" "Galanisch Eurasische Union oder auch kurz GEAU. (Galanic Eurasian Union, or GEAU for short.)", I answer him.

"Schön dich kennen zu lernen GEAU, mein Name ist Andreas. (Nice to meet you GEAU, my name is Andreas.)", he introduces himself to me, "Ich wollte eigentlich zu der Demonstration gehen, aber dann habe ich dich erkannt und wollte sehen, wie es dir geht. (I actually wanted to go to the demonstration, but then I recognized you and wanted to see how you're doing.)" "Mir geht es ganz gut, ich bin hier um Lebensmittel zu besorgen. (I'm fine, I'm here to get groceries.)", I inform him. "Woher habt ihr das Geld? (Where did you get the money from?)", he asks.

A Spark full of Hope (War or Love 3)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें