Chapter 9: Collision of Silver and Gold

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I'm in the attic shortly after. It's not dusty here at all and when I look around, it looks nicely decorated here. Books are stacked everywhere. I look around and I see the light coming from a lamp. I see a bed made of books and a light blanket. He doesn't even have a pillow, but I know from my own experience that you can sleep without a pillow. Mama's clone is sitting on the bed of books and has a picture book in his hands. He looked at it sadly. What kind of book is this and what is going through his head? "I know you're here. Go back to your father before you get in trouble for being here or me being here.", he says.

Strangely enough, his voice is a bit higher than Mama's voice, which I'm noticing until now. I answer, the Countryhuman who still doesn't look away from his book: "Dad wanted me to stay here because he's hurt and he's calling for help or he might die." Oddly enough, he smiles away and giggles lightly. "It's not that he doesn't deserve it.", Mama's clone whispers. I absolutely don't understand what's going on with him. Then I come closer to him and sit down next to him. The book he's looking at is about a fairy tale and the page has a girl with very long hair on it. "Why did you giggle, he's nice?", I ask him.

He puts the book aside and stands up. "Nice?... NICE!?... He's horrible! I hate him! I hate him so much! He only hurts me because I exist! He only hates me because I look like... his Reich! You know what I've been through all these years? I was literally his punching bag. I'd rather die than be hurt by him like that one more day.", he tells me. That's really unbelievable and not nice to hear. Is that really Papa downstairs? "That's not nice to hear at all!", I agree. He's less angry and after taking a deep breath, sits down next to me. The clone wished: "I wish he could just stop and put himself in my shoes."

"Maybe one day he will. Especially when Mama comes back because then he can tell Papa to stop... I'll try to talk to Papa later.", I tell him. He looked at me unbelievably and asked: "Really?" "Yes, I hope that he will leave you alone then.", I answer him. I notice several colors of light shining into the room, in red. I immediately run to the window and look out. A car with a red and blue light is below. The car is white and red and has a cross on it and "Malteser" written on it. What kind of vehicle is this? I take a good look at the car to memorize it.

"Never seen an ambulance?", asks Mama's clone. I answer: "No, I don't know anything like that... Definitely not like that." "Because Malteser has something to do with the Rothschild family and that's why your mother banned Malteser.", he explains. I look at him and say: "I don't understand." He gets up and walks over to one of the stacks of books and pulls out one, before walking back he says: 'Every Countryhuman is part of the upper classes and they're sadists because of that, or as I understand from Soviet, they're also called dishonest Jews, because of some sort of thing historical reasons. But you can also just say incomplete Niranians." "Does that mean every Countryhuman is Niranian?", I ask him.

Mama's clone said: "Actually, yes." "Can you tell me more?", I ask him curiously and walk over to him. "I don't know that much, but I'll tell you what I do know. The sadists had a whole country to themselves over 1000 years ago, but they were chased away by the Jews and the Russians, after which they both swore revenge. The first Sadists were three Niranians who convinced others. The Niranians were called Siro, Len and Ruin. Siro was defeated by your mother, Len is still around somewhere causing chaos and Ruin is your grandma." "Wow... That's really interesting and makes me realize a few little things.", I say.

He continued: "The three can be considered as something like siblings. They were sent here to rule over humans so that this planet would be a new life energy resource. Niranians have a problem with lack of energy because their own energy is being stolen. Unfortunately, they can no longer produce energy themselves because they no longer have any feelings, because the system doesn't want them to find out what's going on, because then they would be gone again very quickly. That's why it's also very surprising that your grandma fell in love. Unlike your mother, I don't have Niranian Energy because it's not genetic. And-"

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