Chapter 1: The divided world

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I asked him: "Let's quickly see the shooting stars!" "All right!", Soviet Union gave in. I knew he was dead tired and just wanted to sleep. I finally wanted to dare tonight. I finally wanted to tell him how I feel about him. I hoped he wouldn't leave me because of that, but he couldn't leave me if he made me pregnant, right? He got up slowly and walked over to the closet. Soviet took out a pair of loose pants, which he put on relatively quickly. He walked over to me and looked down at me with a tired but beautiful smile. I grabbed his sleeve and dragged him out of our room. We looked again at our peacefully sleeping children who were in their room. Soviet carefully took my left hand and walked with me downstairs and out of my house.

Together we hiked further up the mountain to a small flower meadow. There was almost no wind that night. I looked up at the starry night sky above us. The stars shared their light in the world shrouded in darkness. I asked Soviet: "Isn't that nice?" I wanted to know what he thought about it. "Yes, it's really nice!", he agreed. I could hear his joy loud and clear. I looked at him, but he quickly looked away, as did I. Did he perhaps mean me with his answer? We looked at the night sky together and watched the shooting stars that flew across the sky. "Reich, I have something important to tell you!", Soviet Union informed me and I looked at him before he continued: "I can also understand from what you've been trying to tell me for a while that we are no longer friends after that."

"What is it?", I asked curiously. What did Soviet Union want to tell me? He turned closer to me. I looked into his shining golden eyes that shone brighter than any star in the sky. Soviet took another deep breath before he said a little quieter: "Reich I-I'm in love with you!" What? Did I hear that right? I wasn't the only one of the two of us? I was incredibly happy about that. He loves me! I never thought that this could actually happen right now. Soviet then looked down uncertainly before turning and slowly putting one foot in front of the other. He took about five steps on each foot before I stopped him: "Soviet come back here, I'm not done with you yet!" He should come back to me since I hadn't revealed my feelings for him to him yet.

Soviet Union slowly turned to me. I was slightly angry at him for just walking away. Hesitantly he came back to me. When he stopped in front of me, I asked him: "Did you really mean it?" I wanted to make sure he meant it. "Yes!", he whispered, slightly uncertain. I grabbed his shirt collar and he closed his eyes. I pulled him to my height. Now or never! I placed my lips gently and lightly on his. I closed my eyes too and lost myself in the moment. This joy and happiness that flowed through my whole body and especially my heart was indescribable. Am I really kissing Soviet Union right now?! Was it right? It felt incredibly good. Did I make a mistake? I pulled my lips back from his and looked away, feeling very uncomfortable.

Why did I just kissed him? I felt a large and warm hand on my right cheek. I looked at Soviet Union who smiled lovingly at me. I am a little bit nervous. "I guess I'm not the only one in love.", came from Soviet, who shortly afterwards stretched his head closer to me and put his lips on mine. I snuggled into his warm chest after the long kiss. I felt more safe, protected and loved than I have ever felt in my life.

"Sister, are you reading that book mama wrote again?", I hear from my little brother. I answer my brother, who is four and a half years younger: "Yes! I really like the book that mama wrote for papa." "It's one the pair book we have and I still don't understand it. Then how can it be so good?". Libertasland scolds. I'm think: "You're just too young for this. You're only 4 and I am 8 years old." "Can't we get more books?", he demanded. I remind him: "Have you forgotten that we don't have any money or ID?" He lowers his head and looks away from me, offended. "How about I go into town and bring you an apple?", I offer to stop him being offended.

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