boyfriend, girlfriend

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Iwaizumi held your hand as you walked towards the back of the changing room.

Today was a big day for them to play against Karasuno.

They won it before too, and you really hoped they'd win it again.

"Good luck Hajime," you smiled at him genuinely.

He seemed nervous as he looked at you.

"It's gonna be alright, you're the best, I'll support you till the end, no matter the result," you patted his shoulder.

"Thank you y/n, watch me," he replied with a tint of blush on his cheeks.

"I will never take off my eyes," you nodded.

He still held your hand tight, as if wanting you to never go.

"Y/n," he mumbled, as if trying to say something.

You then leaned to him and gave him a peck on his cheek quickly, "Do your best."

With that you rushed to the bleachers quickly, leaving him in a blushing mess.

This earned whistles from the team.

"Iwaizumi is so lucky!" Matsukawa teased, grinning.

"I wish I had a girlfriend too!!" Makki whined dramatically.

"Y/n san seems sweet," Kunimi quietly agreed.

"Well shit they aren't together yet, because of this pathetic man," Oikawa rolled his eyes.

"What?! Be for real," Mattsun perked up his eyebrows.

"Shut up Shittykawa," Iwaizumi scoffed.

"You've got no balls or what?" Makki agreed as he changed into his jersey.

"The time will come," Iwaizumi simply said as he put on his shoes.

"Okay what about you ask her out if we win?" Mattsun suggested.

"I am not doing it like that," Iwaizumi replied.

"You're boring," Oikawa sneered.

"Just let me go with my own pace."

"Should've asked her out before you kissed her," Oikawa huffed.

This perked up the other boys' interests.

"You kissed her?!!!" they said in unison.

"See what you've done Trashykawa."

"Hmm," he hummed, "I'm excited for thr match. I can feel energy and excitement in my bones," he held up a fist, "you better confess to her or I'll do first," he winked at Iwa.

"You've got guts, let's do this," Iwa smiled sharply.


The last thud of the ball was heard.

Your school lost. It was hard to absorb in.

You could see the tired faces of the team. A sharp lump formed in your throat.

You went your way out quickly to meet with Iwaizumi.

You could see his tears rolling down even from the bleachers. This might've hurt you more than the loss itself.

You went to the way of the hall and waited for him.

He came with red puffy eyes, wiping his tears.

His eyes then met yours. At this you just opened your arms.

He came to you quietly and hugged you, as you quickly hugged back.

"You did so good, I'm proud of you," you whispered to his ear softly and rubbed his back.

ONLY YOU (Iwaizumi x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now