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You attended every of your friends' games onwards. It was a semi final today and they played against Karasuno, with a winning score.

You were glad that Iwaizumi and Oikawa could give their all, and the fact that they were near to going to nationals made you excited and nervous at the same time.

"Good job guys, I'm rooting for you," you fist bumped them.

"See, you are our lucky charm," Oikawa patted your head.

"Maybe I am," you smiled.

"Where is Emi chan?" Oikawa asked.

"She couldn't come, family matter," Iwaizumi replied.

"That's sad, she attended only the first game. She's losing the chance to watch you being hot in the court," Oikawa teased.

"Shut up before I punch you," Iwaizumi warned.

You chuckled.

"You played really well, Iwa. I'm glad you enjoyed the game too," you said.

"It was close though. Karasuno has become really good," he replied.

Then you saw the Karasuno players coming out, with their eyes red and puffy from crying. You felt really bad for them.

You went over to Daichi, who became your friend during practice matches.

"Heyy Daichi, I'm sorry about your loss. But hey, you did your best, and I'm proud of you. Maybe next time alright?" you smiled and shook his hand.

"Oh hey y/n, thanks for the support. You guys really played well too," he smiled as he patted your back, "best of luck for the next game," he said.

"Thank you!"

You turned to see Tsukishima staring at you from the back.

"Tsukki, well played. You're really good at it, I'm sure you will get there someday," you looked up.

"I don't need your pity. And I couldn't care less about the score," he scoffed.

"Your friends do. You better be nice," you pretended to scold.

"You're not my sister or anything. And don't call me Tsukki anymore," he snickered, and put on his headphones on, walking past you.

You sighed and saw Iwaizumi coming over to you.

"Hey," he said.

"Where's Tooru?" you asked, looking around.

"He's gonna eat out with Makki and Mattsun," he replied.

"Why don't you join them too?" you asked.

"I'm kind of tired, and might have injured myself," he held out his fingers which was plastered.

"Oh... that sucks. I'll re wrap it for you," you said.

"Yea let's get home," he replied as you walked home together.

It was quite a while since you two had alone time. You were happy that he was talking a lot today, their win surely made his mood good.

"Want some Monster?" he asked as he passed by the vending machine, knowing it was your favourite drink.

"Sure," you replied.

The sun was setting and it was beautiful.

"It's golden hour," you said, and looked over to Iwaizumi.

He was beautiful. His green eyes were mesmerizing as ever, and the reflection of the sun made it better. His spiky hair was a little damp since he took a shower back in the restroom, and you could smell his usual cologne.

He stared at you too.

"Your new haircut suits you," he said suddenly.

"Oh.. thanks," you smiled, attempting to hide your blush.

You wish this time with him never ends. But you scolded yourself quickly.

He has a girlfriend. Stop it.

"Maybe you're really a good luck charm," he chuckled, "we've been winning since you came to watch us," he said.

"Aaa that theory," you smiled, "even Rin said it.. I don't really believe it," you replied.

He kept silent for a while, and then you realized you talked about Suna.

Smh y/n!

"Are you guys taking steps forward?" he asked.

"Uhmm.. we're friends for now," you replied.

"It looks like he likes you a lot."

"He just flirts a lot."

"Do you ever plan to date him?" he asked.

You turned to him, he was serious.

"I don't have anything in mind like that for now. I'm still figuring out how to deal with old feelings.."

"Okay.. sorry for interfering your relationship with him.. it's not like I know him, but he seems good. And you know I want the best for you."

"I know," you smiled at him and he smiled back.

You then reached his house soon.

"You're gonna treat me right y/n?" he held out his hand.

"Right, I'll come in," you said.

You both went to his room. It has been long since you've been here.

You took out new bandages and took Iwa's hand.

"Be careful, will you? You're playing finals soon, and maybe go to nationals finally," you said as you wrapped his fingers.

"It's hard to mind about these fingers when you're out in the court, concentrating."

"Take it easy.."

You then stood up after you finished wrapping it.

"There you go, better be not reckless," you said.

"I won't be.." he bowed down to thank you which made you laugh.

"Okay, Iwaizumi, I'm going home," you said and carried your bag.

He then suddenly took your hand in his.


"Why did you suddenly stop with 'Hajime'?" he asked.

You avoided eye contact.

"It's weird.. to call you by your first name when you have a girlfriend.."


"It actually makes sense."

"I don't mind, and Ogawa doesn't. Just call me by my first name again," he said.

"Okay then. But why aren't you calling Emi by her first name?" you asked.

Now it was him who avoided eye contact, and he rubbed his nape.

"I've been calling her like that since the beginning.. it's just easier.."

"Okay.." you smiled, "I'll get going."

"I'll walk you home," he suggested.

"Just rest Haj.. Hajime.." you said, "you need to sleep and collect your energy."

"Actual wise words from you," he said, "then see you later y/n," he waved.

You waved back.

"Take care."


ONLY YOU (Iwaizumi x fem reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu