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The air was different in the classroom. You hadn't talked to your friends after the incident. Emi was absent, and you didn't meet up with Iwaizumi and Oikawa either.

You were gloomy, and the weather was agreeing with you.

During lunch break, you went to the vending machine to get some snacks and drink.

"Hey y/n," you heard a voice from behind. You turned to see Matsukawa and Makki.

"Hey guys, what's up?"

"Do you want to eat with us? Since Oikawa and Iwaizumi are absent," Makki asked.

"Oh.. um sure," you smiled as you took your change.

You three went to the cafeteria hall and sat down.

"I'm so sorry for your loss," you said, biting on your bread.

"We did try our best, that's what matters now," Mattsun replied.

"So y/n, have you talked to Iwaizumi?" Makki asked.

"Not yet.. I haven't seen him anyway."

"What exactly happened back then?"

"It's.. he was just hurting that y'all lost, and he was injured. So I might've upset him.."

"Oikawa defended you a lot though."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"After you went away, they were arguing.. Oikawa and Iwaizumi. Things got heated and might have used hands," Mattsun grinned.

"I didn't know it was that bad.." you deadpanned.

"We ran in the room to hold them back. They pretty much gave it their all. Oikawa's nose was bleeding and well, Iwaizumi wasn't that great either."

"Oh my god.."

"I think you gotta talk to them you know, they haven't talked to each other since then.." Mattsun said as he took a bite of his onigiri.

"It's really quiet without them in the court," Makki agreed.

"Will do, thanks for informing," you gave them a small smile.

"You can tell us anything okay y/n? We'll help you," Makki patted your head.

"Sure, thanks to you both," you stood up as you finished eating.

"Good luck," Mattsun gave you a thumbs up to which you waved.

Goshhh Tooru, what did you do?


You went straight to Oikawa's house after school.

As you were about to knock at the door, suddenly it opened and to your surprise, Iwaizumi came out.

You stood awkwardly, not knowing what to say or do.

"Hey.." you greeted feebly, playing with your hands at your back.

"Uh hey.. didn't think I'd see you here," Iwaizumi replied.

He was awkward too, and he fixed his hair or maybe messed it out of nervousness.

"I was just going to talk to Oikawa," you shrugged, giving him a small smile.

"Oh, he is in his room.."

There was an awkward silence.

"I gotta go.. see you," you said and went inside.

You went up to Oikawa's room and knocked.

"Hey Tooru, it's y/n, your best friend ever," you teased.

He opened his door in one swift.

"Oh my god y/n, I miss you so much!!!" he hugged you tightly.

"I miss you too," you smiled.

"Come in fast," he held your hand.

You sat on his bed.

"Iwa chan just came too, did you meet him?" he asked.

"Yeah, he said you were in your room."

"Cool. Whatchu want to do? Let's play some games? Or movies?" he searched something around the room.

"Tooru," you held his wrist.

"Hmm?" he looked at you innocently.

"I came here to talk to you. About what happened back in the changing room."

"Yeah.. I figured.."

"I heard that you fought with Hajime," you folded your arms.

"What?? From who??"

"I have my sources," you glared.

"Okay I did. I'm sorry y/n. I just couldn't look pass on how he treated you. How he lashed his anger out on you. More like blaming you for our loss."

"Did you stand outside the whole time we were um.. talking?" you asked.

"Yeah.. I kind of figured that Emi chan was lying. Before the match, she said to him that you couldn't come because you were on a date with Suna."

"Oh.. that is why," you gasped.

"I know that you care for us very much, and please don't take Iwa chan's words seriously. He was just out of his mind. He admitted to me too."

"I know.. I don't hate him. It just hurts.." you replied.

"It will. I was hurt too. All those of years of friendship, and he chose to believe his girlfriend whom he had know for only a few months."

"I don't think.. he will ever befriend me again.."

"Don't say that y/n chan! He regretted every word he said to you! He apologized to me too!"

"It's not the time to lie. He won't just say things that are lies."

"No, he told me. You will see how right I am when he apologizes to you!" he said proudly.

"As if that will ever happen."

"You're hopeless," Oikawa messed your hair.

"Stop right there before I mess up your 'perfect' hairstyle!" you glared.

"Okay okay, sorry!" he took away his hands immediately.

"Anyway, can you tell me what exactly happened with Emi chan and Suna and everything? I'm dying to know the tea," he fixed his position on the bed to lay down comfortably.

"Hmm.." you sighed, and told him about everything. Even about Suna's ex girlfriend and, your first kiss.

Of course there was an endless teasing and infinite questions.


It was a weekend, and you had a studying session alone as terms were coming closer.

You took a quick break to make coffee in the kitchen and hummed.

The door bell rang and went on to open it, expecting it to be your father.

You gasped when you saw who it was.


"Hi.. Can I accompany you?" he asked, a bit smiling.

"Sure," you let him in, "do you want some coffee?"

"If it's not a trouble," he replied as he sat on the couch.

"Of course," you said and handed a cup to him and sat near him.

"Were you busy? Did I disturb you?" he asked.

You shook your head.

"I was just revising for the terms."

"I'll leave soon.. just that I want to talk to you."

You looked at him in his eyes. They were soft, unlike the day in the changing room.

"About how I acted," he said.

"I can listen," you gave him a small smile.


ONLY YOU (Iwaizumi x fem reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ