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Suna woke up very late that morning, and had to skip school too. It was because all night his mind was occupied with you, the way you were so passionate in kissing him while you made out, and the way you tiptoed to kiss him made his stomach flutter.

Only in the morning he could sleep but overslept, not like he minded.

He smiled to himself in the mirror as he washed his face, looking forward to see you.

He had all these ideas in mind to take you to new places in Tokyo, and spend quality time with you. He hadn't felt like this for a long time, and Akki couldn't even compare the way you made him feel.

He called out for his mom but supposedly she was already out for work, he shrugged and made a cereal for his breakfast, taking out his phone to send you some texts.

The door bell rang which made him spring up, a little hope of you coming to give back his coat.

But his smile faded as he saw who was at the door - Akki.

"Hi Rintarou," she smiled lovingly. There was no doubt that she still has a strong feeling for him.

"Hi, what's up?" he asked.

"I want to talk," she said, as she came in herself inside.

"Could've texted me first," Suna shrugged as he made his way to the living room where Akki looked around with a dreamy face.

"This place hasn't changed much," she said.

"What did you want to talk about?" he asked, a bit impatient.

"Let's not hurry, hmm?" she replied simply.

His phone then rang to see your name. He excitedly answered the call.

"Hey y/n, thought you'd ghost me again," he chuckled.

"Hey Rin, I wanna ask if I can come by today, maybe by early evening, to give you back your coat and um.. talk about some stuffs.." you blushed.

Suna smiled.

"Sure, I'll be waiting for you. I skipped school."

"Thanks, bye," you hung up.

"Y/n?" Akki asked.

"Mmhh," he nodded, still grinning from hearing your voice.

Akki smirked a bit.

"So you're dating now?"

"What did you want to talk about?" Suna shrugged her off.

"It's actually about y/n."

He perked up his eyebrows.

"You two seem to be doing well, but.. I still want you Rintarou.." she pouted.

"You'll get over it," he replied.

"You're so rude.."

"Just.. just leave if that's all what you had to say," he went to the kitchen.

Akki followed him, and hugged him from behind.

"Please, I love you Rintarou. Let's date again, I miss our old times."

Suna had no problem going out of her hands.

"I don't miss it. Please, find someone else."

"Aww.. but what if I destroy y/n?" she smirked.

"Don't you dare hurt her," Suna's eyes went dark.

"Actually.. this will be a problem for both of you," she said as she took out her phone, and played a video.

Suna's eyes widened.

"How the hell do you have that?!" he snatched her phone away.

It was a video of you and him making out. All the way to the end.

Suna deleted it quickly, heart beating fast.

"Don't think I don't have backup," Akki smiled as she took her phone back from him.

"The hell do you want?!" Suna grabbed her harshly on her shoulders.

"It's obvious Rintarou, I want you," she caressed his face slowly.

He looked at her in disgust.

"You should go back to your place.. to an asylum.."

"Too bad I won't be going to that hell anymore.. I'll be with you."

"I'm leaving you," he said bluntly and took his jacket.

"Stop right there or I'll upload this right now," Akki said in a serious tone.

Suna stopped on his tracks.

"Listen Rintarou, I'm asking this politely, just get back with me. Forget about y/n. And I promise I'll delete this forever," she said, as she came closer to him.

Suna kept quiet.

"I'm not alone you know. I have a partner I work with, so don't even think of backstabbing me."

"Is it that fun to take other people's happiness away?" he replied softly, looking down.

"You took my happiness away too, didn't you? Putting me in that damn asylum, and enjoying your life out here," she held a fist.

"But.. We'll find happiness together again, I'm sure," she smiled as she lifted up his face.

"You've become more handsome, Rintarou. You've matured. I wonder what difference would you make in the bed," she smiled as she kissed him on the lips slowly.

"Aww come on, kiss me back, you'll have to eventually," she whispered to his ear.

Suna kept quiet. He felt a void as Akki leaned to kiss him again.


"The hell Trashykawa?! Why did you tell him?!" you whined, throwing a pillow at him.

"Y/n chan, it's okay, he didn't believe it anyway," Oikawa hid.

You were referring to him telling Iwaizumi about how you have feelings for him.

"I am so embarrassed," you said.

"Aww don't worry, it's okay. Now go to your prince and have a wonderful time," he smirked.

"Yeah I am, he isn't answering his phone though," you pouted, as you had called Suna thrice.

"Just go girl, maybe he's out to buy something and forgot his phone, or he may be shitting," Oikawa said knowingly.

"You're disgusting. Anyway, wanna come with me?" you asked.

"You just insulted me!"

"Fine, then don't come," you stood up and got ready.

"I'll come! I want to come of course!" he yelled.

"You pay for the tickets then."


"I'll buy you lunch come on."


You smiled at him, and took Suna's coat in your hands.

But something felt off within you. Your heart was not excited as your mind.

You shook it off, blaming it on your nervousness.


ONLY YOU (Iwaizumi x fem reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя