After one too many encounters with family and snarky comments, Juju and I crept away to the most hidden living room in the house. 

"I've decided to hold my wedding abroad. I can't deal with this many people," Juju says. 

I giggle at her silliness, "Your parent wouldn't allow that."

"Ugh. You should have let me at one of them. If I had taught one of them a lesson, the rest would compose themselves," she huffs.

My father's side of the family had always been difficult. Their dislike for my mother affected my brother and me. As a result, our cousins didn't hang out with us when we were younger. Instead, they shunned us as if we were riddled with diseases. 

I'm sure it had something to do with what their parents told them about us. My father's family didn't believe my mother had been worth the trouble he had gone through for her hand in marriage. 

I smiled at her, "It's not worth it. Today is the last day I deal with them."

She wrapped her arms around me, "just until they show up at your house expecting special treatment. 

"I'll just shut the door in their faces," I reply. 

"You better," she says. 

Our conversation was cut short when Ibrahim texted me that he was outside. "He's here." 

"Okay, let's go. Safina must still be in the car arguing with that womaniser," she says, leading us out. 

"Where are you going?" a voice asked from behind as we exited the house. I could see his car parked in the middle of the yard. 

It was Halima. My sweet cousin dearest, note the sarcasm. 

"To her event. What's it to you?" Juju says. 

"You bought a guard dog?" she asks. 

I held Juju's hand tightly. Any second now, she would pounce. Ibrahim's car was positioned in a way where his mirror was pointing precisely at us. This isn't the time to give him a show. 

"If you have nothing important to say, we'll leave now," I tell her. 

She shakes her head disapprovingly, "just because you're getting married, you think you're not the same worthless girl you are. Think twice before provoking me, Fatima. Everyone knows why this is happening. Tread lightly, or you might end up on a tabloid."

I had a lot to say to her that would leave her stunned and in tears. But it is not my character to put a fellow woman down, regardless of how rude she was. So I turn to leave when I come face to face with Ibrahim.

"I've been waiting for you," he says. 

When did he leave his car? 

I notice Halima's expression. She took in his immaculate appearance, a look of shock and enchantment settling on her face. 

"Let's go then. I have no other business here," I say to him, grabbing his hand. 

A hand grabs my shoulder, "Fatima, you haven't introduced us yet." A sickly sweet smile on her face. A smile that held nothing but deception.

"Why should I? And why are you staring at him like that?" I respond. 

Her eyes widen, clearly taken aback by my words. But she still maintains her smile.

"Wipe that stupid smile off your face. You're not someone worth knowing to him. Tread lightly, Halima. Or you might end up being tagged as an aspiring home wrecker," I add and walk off. 

I hear her storm off back into the house, and I smile. Then, turning to Juju, she gives me two thumbs up. "You totally put her in her place."

"What can I say? I grow wings when my best friend is beside me," I exclaimed, letting go of Ibrahim's hand to hug her.

I break away, and she gives me a sign with her eyes. The shit has hit the fan. I stand next to her and attempt to read his expression. 

"Ibrahim, this is my best friend Juju," I inform him. He stares at her with disdain in his eyes. 

Was he really going to pull this shit? 

I poke his shoulder lightly, "don't be like this." He stared, unblinking.

"No, Fatima. It's okay," Juju says, patting my back. "I understand your feelings towards me, and I'm not offended. However, I know my actions have consequences I can't escape. I don't expect you to like me, but I want to be here for my friend." 

He doesn't respond. He just gets into his car. 

"We'll pick up your change of clothes and be there soon," Juju says, ushering me into the car. 

I give her a sad smile and nod before getting into the vehicle.

FATIMA (YOU series #2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon