"What will you be getting today?"

"Fish and maybe a monkey or two for Kaa," I answered Sneakers who seemed interested.

"How many will I get?"

"Get me out of here, and I'll get you one before I get Kaa's," I promised him.

Sneakers happily answered, "Deal!"

I lifted my arms so he could grab my chest. And with a great rig, he pulled me out. I'm surprised that a 25-foot python could pick up a 71kg (157 lb.) girl.

Sneakers panted, and I grabbed the branches supporting us. He let go, "Where were you heading to?"

I lifted my body onto the branch, "The plane. That's where some tools for my hunting trip will be for."


"Yeah, those giant white birds you sometimes see in the sky. It crashed here, and now I'm sorta stuck."

Sneakers wrapped a coil around my shoulder. I think that he wants to say sorry. However, that would be difficult since I don't think that he's been on a plane. He placed his head against mine and held it there for a bit. I excused myself and carefully stood up on the branch so I could get to the metallic bird. Sneakers moved his body so I could walk and not step on him. He hissed, "Why did you talk to me?"

"I was feeling lonely. Also, Kaa used her hypnosis on me, and I didn't know any better. Would you like it better if I attempted to kill you?"

Sneakers shook his head, "I guess that I didn't see it that way."

I sighed in tiredness. I still had to get food for the three of us, but I don't know how. I mean, yes, I will have to kill the targets. Just the thing is, where am I going to find the tools on the plane? I guess that I have to find out.

I went inside the plane and told Sneakers to wait outside for a few moments. I only found an old fishing rod (that I am guessing is an antique), a jack knife, and some ammo. I remembered that I left the rifle at the tree two nights ago. That would have been. Soo, useful. I jumped out from the plane, Sneakers followed suit, and we headed to the bog. I used the jack knife to dig up some grub and used the long elasticity worms onto the hook. I honestly wish that I was in a boat, which means deeper water and better fish. I gently cast the line into the water with a mighty splash. I closed my eyes and inhaled the air slowly, savoring the moment. I exhaled and opened my eyes, watching my breath disperse into the atmosphere and return to the sky. Sneakers decided that it was a good idea to use me as his personal step-stool so he could get on top of an overhead branch. I'm not going to lie, but he nearly took me down as he was climbing. I slightly growled at him, "Ya know the next time, you could've asked to use me as a fucking step stool."

Sneakers hissed in an mocking attitude, "Ya know, the next time you almost get stuck in some quicksand, you could've asked me to use me as a vine."

"You dumbass, I did ask you for help!"

"Not really, you prompted me with food. Not the same," he chuckled.

"You're lucky that I don't know how to climb a tree," I gritted through my teeth. Sneakers laughed and watched me fish. I felt a quick and nearly heart-stopping jerk. I waited a few more seconds and readied myself to fight the fish. The line screamed as the rod bent to the direction of my meal. I hollered, "Oh! FISH ON!"

Goddamn was this thing hard to pull closer to the shore. My heart pounded rapidly as if I caught a record-breaking walleye. I bellowed, "Sneakers, get ready to get your fish!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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