Chapter 9

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This is fanfiction, and I do not own any of the characters except for Hannah. Thanks.

Kaa gently shook me awake. I groaned and wanted more sleep. I heard her chuckle, "Time to get up, my child. A new whole day is just for us!"

"Couldn't it wait until tomorrow," I asked her. Kaa softly hissed, "You and I will make our meal today. I've heard that Man can catch as many fish as monkeys I can swallow."

"So... you're wanting me to catch four monkeys and four fish?"

Kaa laughed, "No!"

I snuggled into her coils. I haven't slept in a long time. At home, I'd normally get the weekends to get in more sleep. On holidays, it was considered to be lucky. Kaa shifted her coils, so I had no other choice but to get up. Kaa playfully nudged me as I stretched my legs. I caught my balance.

"So, what kind of fish do you want me to get you? Big ones? Slimy ones?"

"Anything that you catch, dear. I remember that you've always wanted us to have a meal that you provided when you were younger," Kaa explained to me. I blushed in embarrassment as I remembered some stories about me wanting to go hunting with my dad at a young age.

"Get your tools, and I'll see you at sunset," Kaa said as she scooped me down onto the dead trunk.

"What if I need help with something.. like a predator," I asked Kaa, who seemed to be in thought.

"Call me. Besides, I don't think that you're prepared enough to defend yourself from some animals here," she answered. "But I will only allow this to happen just here. If you were to be in the plains, you would be considered to be a coward," she added. Wow. So here, it'll be ok for me to get to a near-death experience, but if I'm farther away from Kaa, I'm pretty much screwed. Weird. But it is understandable. I started to find the beach before getting pulled back by Kaa. I groaned in frustration.

"Oh, you're a fussy one this morning. But before you go, can you hug me goodbye?"

I frowned but gave Kaa a quick hug around her coil. She chuckled and lifted her head near me. I rolled my eyes and hugged her neck. She flicked her tongue that tickled my nose and set me back down, "Now you may go."

I headed to the plane, where I could get myself back home and get some tools. I've stayed with Kaa for about 3 days, I think it's time for me to head back to Canada. Leaves crunched underneath my shoes, but I didn't care. I'm not hunting, I'm exploring my surroundings. A couple of small vermin bolted from the bushes and retreated. I let out a started yelp and covered my mouth. I continued walking and felt that the ground was getting harder to walk on. I looked down and realized that I got caught in quicksand. I stopped moving and tried to maneuver onto my stomach so my weight could be evenly distributed on the ground. I couldn't as I felt my ankle's tendon get irritated. I stood back up and coddled my injury that happened during my first wrestling match. I ended up on crutches for the rest of the season. I groaned and contemplated getting Kaa to help me out. I heard a hiss from above my head. I looked up and saw Sneakers who happily watched from a distance of about ten feet.

"Best not to walk on that," he said.

"A bit late for that advice," I replied. Sneakers bowed his head, "Need help?"

"No, I decided that I wanted to get stuck here. Of course, I need help," I sarcastically hissed at him.

"And what would I get in return?"

"Two things."

"I'm listening. Tell me."

"One: I can share my catch of food. And two: you don't get a traumatic memory of watching something die from a place they can not get out of."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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