9: Dress Rehearsals

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<<Chapter 9: Dress Rehearsals>>

We've been rehearsing for months now, and finally, it's the week of our musical performance.

Don't get me wrong, it's fun to hang out with my friends after school everyday... But it gets kind of old. All good things must come to an end, right?

"Have you seen my dinner plate costume? I could've sworn I put it over there..." Morgan, one of the freshmen, says as she points next to one of the costume tables. She has a dinner plate costume to put overtop of her t-shirt and leggings, accompanied by a white top hat as a part of her costume.

"No, sorry..." I say with a tinge of annoyance as I continue to brush my hair. Oh, those pesky freshmen....

It's Thursday, the final dress rehearsal before our two performances on Friday. One for the entire school during the day, and another at night for the parents and faculty.

"I can't find my costume!!" Morgan continues to wail as she walks into the dressing room, but nobody seems to notice. Chatter and commotion is all around as everyone frantically prepares themselves for the run-through. People run back and forth to fetch their microphones, taping the small, skin-colored devices to their faces before running the wires through their costumes and clipping the soundbox to the insides of their skirts or pants.

Since I have a dancing part, though, I get the great honor of having to run my microphone wire down the back of my white, long-sleeved leotard and clip it to my tights. Let me just say, that dumb black box that controls the damn microphone is NOT comfortable when it digs into your hip bones every time you move. At all.

"Have you seen Matthew?" Courtney asks me flatly before giving me a once-over, followed by a look of disdain.

"Um... No...." I respond quickly and quietly before walking off. Courtney is what I like to call a Grade-A Bitch. She is the most desperate person I have ever met in my ENTIRE lifetime... And that's saying a lot. Her new subject of obsession/stalking/desperation appears to be Matthew--poor kid.

I rush to backstage left and grab my props, chatting with Matthew, Mitchell, and Natalia. Mitchell portrays a clock in his first scene (weird, yes, I know), and Natalia and I are both villagers.

"Does that thing... Work?" I ask Mitchell, poking at the necklace-like thing that he's wearing around his neck, which has a clock hanging at the bottom.

"Kate... Really?" Matthew laughs, reaching over and turning the clock part of Mitchell's necklace around. So apparently it's not a clock... Just a circle Tupperware container with a clock-looking thing painted on the front. Hey, it's pretty dark backstage.

"Yeah..." Mitchell smirks, and I can feel the innuendo coming, "My clock is very big," Mitchell wiggles his eyebrows at Natalia. Aww... They really would make such a cute (but strange) couple.

"Dude! No! No.... Just no." Natalia says in a flustered tone while Matthew bursts into laughter and I follow suit.

- - - - - - - -

About an hour and a half later, we've finished our final run through.

"Man, time flies, eh?" Matthew says as he walks over to Natalia and I, with Mitchell following.

"Yeah, I can't believe it! It seems like just yesterday we started our first rehearsal..." Natalia sighs, staring into Matthew's deep blue eyes.

It's kind of sad really, since it appears that Mitchell really likes Natalia, but she has a thing for his adorably geeky best friend--Matthew.

"Can the entire cast please come out and sit in the first row of auditorium seating?" The director of the musical suddenly calls over the loudspeaker. We all slowly make our way off of the stage and into the first row of seating.

"Good job guys! Give yourselves a round of applause!" The director says, followed by clapping. Wow, he actually complimented us... Shocker...

That guy has serious trust issues, which leads to a lack of trust in the cast actually being able to pull off this musical... Which leads to very few complements, if I do say so myself.

"Make sure to come to the dressing rooms during 5th period tomorrow, or as soon as you can! Eat lunch beforehand, got it?"

"Yes!" everyone shouts simultaneously, voices laced with excitement to perform tomorrow.

"You are dismissed," the director says with a small smile (once again... shocker!) before turning off his microphone and stepping down from the stage.

Natalia, Rachel, and I head towards the exit, walking over to where our backpacks and laptops are situated before saying our quick goodbyes and parting ways.

- - - - - - - -
**3 days later**

The musical was a huge success last week, and everyone seemed to love it. I was kind of pissed off right before the performance, though, since it seemed like Matthew liked Courtney back--that clingy bitch. She isn't even pretty though, which is the annoying part. I mean, she has really nice hair, but otherwise......

It's sad, really, because her dad is one of the nicest guys ever. I've known her whole family since I was in first grade.

"Oh my God, am I the only one who thinks that Caroline is starting to act kind of like a bitch?" Farrah, one of my closest friends, speaks up. She's Pakistani and has shoulder-length black hair, with big brown eyes. She's also extremely intelligent, might I add.

"No, you're not the only one... I feel kind of bad for saying this, but it's really rude how she keeps ditching us for Finn." Sloane says lightly, her medium-brown ponytail blowing slightly in the wind.

"Yeah... I didn't realize that Finn could be such a jerk. Stealing a friend away from us?" I cringe as I speak with a tinge of sadness. Hey, who can blame me? It kind of sucks to hear that the person of your romantic interest for such a long time can actually be quite the asshole.

"She been acting like a total bitch. We shouldn't be friends with her," Serena sneers. She's extremely short and has long, dirty blonde hair and stunning green eyes.

There are seven of us friends if you count Caroline. Me, Natalia, Rachel, Sloane, Farrah, Serena, and--last but actually least--Caroline.

I'd like to consider us a pretty tight squad, but lately we've been kind of drifting apart in our annoyance towards Caroline. Serena has become a recurring problem also, but we'll leave that for another time. I guess that sort of thing is frequent in high school...? Friendships breaking up...? Who knows.

"Wow, that took all of you a long while... I've felt this way forever," I mumble, leaning up onto one of the lockers opposite Serena. Needless to say, Caroline is not exactly my favorite person in the world at the moment. Neither is Courtney--it's always the people with those "C" and "K" names, I tell you.

"I thought I was the only one!" Natalia chuckles, then in a sing song voice says: "Thank God I'm not aloooneee..."

"Nope, you aren't alone, trust me." Rachel nods in agreement with a "yikes" sort-of look.

"Well, at least the school year is almost over, then we can get away from all of this bullshit." I contribute. everyone nods in agreement, continuing on with their small talk and chatter afterwards.

Man, it has been a long year.

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A/N: Thanks for reading!! Hopefully you enjoyed the chapter enough to vote and comment *wink* ;)

I actually have finals coming up this week, so it make take a little bit longer than normal to update. I promise I will try and write whenever I have the chance, though!! xx

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