6: Field Trips and Idiots

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<<Chapter 6: Field Trips and Idiots>>


The familiar (and annoying) noise of my cell phone sounds through my bedroom as I groggily open my eyes. It's the same sound you'd hear when you think of old-school telephones, since all the other ringtone options seemed pretty horrible to me when I'd initially set up my phone.

"What?!" I snap into the phone as I snatch it off of my beside table, a yawn following. I furrow my eyebrows as I look towards my bedroom window. The sun has barely just risen.

"Oh. My. God!!!" I hear a screech on the other line and I quickly pull the phone away from my ear, flinching at the glass-shattering noise. "You'll never guess what happened!!" The girl screeches again. After recollecting myself for a moment there, I recognize that it's Caroline.

Why is she calling me at this hour? Actually, the better question is, why is she calling me at all? Caroline and I barely speak outside of school, if I'm being totally honest here.

"I bet I won't, Caroline," I mumble, rolling my eyes slightly and pushing my lovely, bedhead hair out of my face. Let's just get this over with, yeah? She probably just got a brand new pink bow for her hair or some shit like that.

"He asked me out!!" She screeches again like a rabid One Direction fan meeting Harry Styles for the first time, "Finn asked me out! And he said that we're going to go to the beach and-"

Wait... What?

"Fuck!!" I shout, anger bubbling up as I throw my phone across the room with so much force that it makes a noticeable dent in the wall before falling limp to the ground and shattering to pieces.

Like my heart, basically.

- - - - - - - -

"What's up with you?" Natalia asks me as I walk into school.

"Nothing." I respond in a snippy tone, pulling my cliche don't-talk-to-me-black hoodie farther over my head.

"You can't seriously be telling me that nothing's wrong with you right now," Natalia stops me from walking by placing a hand on my shoulder, spinning me around to see her face.

"It's not a big deal it's just..." I say quietly.

"It's just... what?" She raises an eyebrow.

"So yeah apparently Caroline and Finn are an 'item' now," I say with cringe full of utter annoyance, unable to meet her eyes as I stare at my feet.

"Well, fuck."


"Don't worry, you're too good for him anyways," Natalia says. "You've got to lift your chin up high and keep on going, because Finn obviously wasn't ever worth your time."

"Thanks," I crack a small smile, immediately enveloping her in a tight hug. I don't really like Finn that much anymore, but come on--it still hurts a little. Well, a little bit more than a little.

"You're welcome." Natalia says. She's really great at making people feel better when they're down--that girl seriously has a heart of gold.

After we split apart, we say our brief goodbyes and I head off to science class.

"Hello, Ms. Stone," Mr. Stein calls as I walk into the room. I don't know what his deal is, but he always seems to call people formally by their last names. He's a nice guy, but I mean... my first name is totally cool too.

"Hi," I smile faintly in response and head over to my assigned seat. Across from me is Matthew, and there are a few other people at my table as well. Sadly, this is my only class with any of my 5 best friends in it, and I don't even get to sit with her. Sloane sits at the table behind me.

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