chapter nine

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You gave a sigh, staring up at the large building infront of you. It wasn't the first time you've shown up unannounced at ackerman corporations,  and despite levis obvious attempt at keeping you distracted by dress shopping, you felt the urge to see him.

Even if he didn't want you there.

You wanted to scope the place out, and put your mind to use where it can be useful, instead of being alone with your thoughts.

The dress you picked out was beautiful, and even though the wedding was a sham, you were excited to show off the dress you chose. The ladies that waited on you, were so pushy. You wished your friends would have been available to shop with you.

Shaking your head to clear your thoughts, you decided nit to dwell on your bad day and felt your determination flow, replacing that icky feeling levi left you with that morning.

The night before was supposed to be magical.. or so you thought.
You can't believe you actually wanted levi to fuck you, to have that piece of you when you were sober. Everything felt so off during it, but you couldn't put your finger on why.  He seemed to have wanted it just as much as you did, if not more, so why did a phone call stop him?

These were the questions that plagued your mind while trying on dress after dress.

You pushed open the doors, to be welcomed by organized chaos of workers running around, and people shouting into phones. It was always Like this when you showed up here, yet today it seemed.. off.

In the middle of the room was the receptionist desk, where levis assistant Hannah sat, furiously typing on her computer, like she didn't notice you walk in.

Her face was set in a scowl, and her eyes were focused, you almost felt bad about having to break her concentration.

She finally looked up, meeting your gaze with her own, with an expression you couldnt read.
She was usually like this when you showed up, usually because you were accompanied by Kenny each time you came to ackerman. But now, as Levi's fiance it was a whole new ballpark for Hannah.

You approached the desk, being greeted by the ever so energetic assistant, who gave you a look with her wide eyes that told you you weren't supposed to be there.

"Hey Hannah, I just wanted to come check the place out." You smiled. Her look, though she was smiling, told you she was anything but excited to see you.

"Miss y/n.. congrats on your engagement to Mr ackerman! Weren't you supposed to be dress shopping today?" She asked as she flipped through her little notebook, as if trying to find where she wrote down your plans.

It made you wonder if what you speculated before was actually true.
So levi was trying to distract me.

You cleared your throat, and she looked up from her little book.

Your hand reached out towards her, closing her notebook before she could turn any more pages, recieving a reaction you didn't expect.

Her body tensed, like she was afraid you would strike her.

"I already found the dress I wanted and bought it. I wanted to do some work.... and put my mind to use." You responded coldly as she scratched the back of her head.

"That's great... um... if this is about the charity ball that's coming up.. you need to focus on your wedding before that anyway.. Levi advised me to make sure yo-"

"I dont care about any of that right now. I need to talk to levi hannah. This doesn't concern you. Just let me pass."
Why is she acting so strange?

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