Chapter two

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"Stop chewing your nails, youre driving me crazy!." Your desk mate ordered snapping you out of your trance. You found yourself gazing at the computer screen put on the gossip column with Thomas's face on the front of it declaring that he was newely single.
Word surely spread fast.
Fast enough that the morning before, your loving aunt and uncle paid you a lovely little phone call lecturing you about breaking off your engagement with someone as powerful as thomas, and begged you to make things right.

No matter how they begged, you stood your ground.

It had now been a week since you broke up with him and he had been calling you nonstop despite stating in his interview that this break up hadn't bothered him at all.

"Sorry Marco." You apologized and lowered your hand from your mouth. He waved off your apology and ran his hand through his black hair, flashing you a smile that made his dimples show as if to calm your nerves.

"You seem really anxious today, is everything ok?" He asked, looking up from his computer with his cheerful gaze. Marco was one of the many assistants of SNK and mainly stuck by your side. Especially when zeke, who was your boss, would start messing with you. zeke loved making your life in the office a living hell every chance he got, even though you were one of the main factors that brought actual good ideas to the board. It was almost like he was jealous of your success, although it would never be admitted.

Marco would always side with you, and take over some of the extra paperwork he would throw on you from time to time.

He was a really good friend in the office.

"Yeah I guess I have alot on my mind.. " You whispered, glancing around the room.
Today was your meeting with Kenny and Levi ackerman, and no matter how hard you tried since that night with Levi, Kenny wouldn't move the meeting date.
You ran your hand through your hair and ley out a sigh, as each memory of that night replayed in your mind. Most of it was a blur, but the parts you remembered were very... vivid.

So much for never seeing him again.. why do I always fo this to myself.??

You groaned, rubbing your temples as Marco tilted his head curiously.

"If it's about your meeting with the ackermans I know you'll do just wonderful y/n. You know Kenny adores you." He tried his best to reassure you, but you couldn't help but feel anxious. He had no idea how awkward it was going to be seeing Levi.

"Thanks Marco. I'll do my best." You smiled. You didn't want to worry him anymore than you possibly already had.
You clicked off of the blog on your computer before scrolling through the trends page to see what rival companies were coming up with. So that you could either match it with SNK or create something better.

Just as you were beginning to get lost in your work, your intercom beeped and zekes lovely voice came across the static.

"Y/n. My office. Now."

Marco looked up from his computer again, giving you a worried gaze. You knew what was going through his mind. Every time you had a one on one meeting with zeke there was a fight. Mainly because he couldnt push you around and he hated it.
"Here we go again. Do me a favor Marco, and look through the trends page and report your findings to the production team." You ordered gently as you stood up, pushing your chair back with your legs and making your way towards zekes office.

Once you arrived, you were relieved to see it was just him in the office. Since Thomas was his best friend, you found yourself constantly worried that you would show up to seeing thomas in the room instead.

"Yes? I was in the middle of something. " You growled as he lowered his glasses, flashing you a smile.
"Ah there she is. The angel of SNK."

He wants something. He only uses my alias when he wants me to do something for him.

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