Chapter six

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"Y/n.... are you um... sure this is ok?" Sasha asked as you placed the nice looking blouse into the basket along with the many others Sasha was carrying.
This wasn't the first place the two of you went to shop, and with how angry you were you weren't sure it would be the last.

That morning Levi left early, only leaving you a note on the counter next to a still warm mug of tea explaining that you should go out today while he prepares for your entry at the office. He didn't even notice the fact that his credit card was missing.

Normally, you wouldn't spend someone else's money without asking them first, but considering how much of a dick levi was towards you, you decided to treat yourself for your 'suffering'.

"Ofcourse!" You exclaimed with a smile and held up levis credit card.

You shouldn't have pissed me off levi ackerman.

"Levi asked me personally to go have a good day today since he was preparing things at the office, so I thought why not go shopping while seeing what the new trends were." You finished, taking the basket of expensive clothing away from Sasha and narrowing your gaze at the empty counter of the small boutique.

This place was one you always looked at while being with thomas, but never dared enter.
The employees were known to be snobby to anyone who didnt look like a million bucks, but thomas never had a problem when he shopped here for himself.

But you recalled thw first time you ever came here with him, the looks they gave you and the whispers that were said.

Thomas had good money, but he was an extreme cheapskate, and never did anything extravagant for you even on your anniversaries. So the oy thing you ever got from this store was shamed.

You clenched the card tightly between your fingertips and smirked as you imagined the look on levis face when he gets the alert for this bill, the image pushing away the guilt and sadness from overthinking.

Part of you felt guilty, after all this was levis card, but the petty inside of you wanted to make his pockets reflect how your pride felt.

"Yeah but you usually don't buy this brand of clothes. How do you know youll like them?" She asked nervously as you set the basket against the counter, waiting for the cashier.

Sasha looked a little intimidated, and it was clear even though she gave her blessing the night before that she still had some reservations about levi. You couldn't blame her, you knew if it was the other way around you would have never accepted this story. And part of you felt extremely guilty for having to fool everyone, but this wasn't just about paying off a debt and helping levi get a spot, it was about revenge for thomas.

You gave a smile and nudged her arm with your shoulder.
"You're right, but Its never to late to try something new right?" You asked as she picked up a cute pair of shoes, before looking at the price and putting them back.
You snatched them from the shelf and put them in the basket with the rest of your clothes.

She's gonna protest.. but I needed to spend more money here anyway

She pressed her lips together tightly, before reaching her hand towards the basket to get them back, before you slapped her hand away.

She looked down at her palm before shaking her head.

"No y/n I was just looking I didn't want you to buy them for me... i-" she began as you shrugged and bit your lip, silencing her.

"You have a date soon don't you? Let me at least buy you a pair of shoes for your first date." You tried to lighten up the subject. It turned out levi wasn't lying about niccolos interest in Sasha. Infact the only reason she came out with you today was because she wanted to find clothes for her upcoming date with him.
It just so happened to line up perfectly with your operation to make levis pockets hurt.
Her eyes lit up with excitement, and a smile spread across her lips.

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