As the team stood up and left the room, Garcia went to talk to Katherine as Prentiss stayed to listen  . "I have to say something, I ... kind of saw you this morning talking to this guy.."

"You mean Mark?"

"Y-yes, here's the thing, he's not good news, he's a bad guy and by bad guy I mean he's flirted with every woman he sees" Garcia said in one breath.

"Ok.." Katherine said as she looked at Garcia and Emily with a concerning look. But soon realized what she had implied.

"Ohh......." Garcia nodded as she gave a small smile. Katherine gave Garcia a small hug, which surprised both woman.

"Don't worry Garcia, ill be very careful" she said as she looked at Emily and gave her a wink.

Obviously her eyes betrayed her words but only Emily knew she wasn't surprised about the news about Mark.


"So, you knew?" Emily said as she sat at her usual spot, next to Katherine. The plane was lifting in the air.

"Knew what?" JJ asked.

"Oh, I talked to Mark this morning"

"Wait Mark? Mark from the 3rd floor?" She asked back as Emily nodded.

"You keep away from that guy Roy, he's not good" Morgan then added.

"Okay..." Roy said as she wanted to move on.

"What did you guys talk about? Seemed funny since you laughed" Emily asked without thinking and bit her tongue as soon as the regret kicked in.

"Is that a real question or just a remark?" Katherine asked her boss who seemed to have asked a question only to tell her that she had been caught maybe enjoying her conversation with a villain.

"Yes I did laugh, I laughed at him." She said with a straight face as she looked at her files but everyone remained silent.

As she looked at the crime scene photos and time passed, she confessed considering the lingering silent present.

"He tried to ask me where the printer was saying that he was new and that we should get to know each other, you know, stick together as newbies" Katherine continued to flick through the pictures.

"You laughed in his face? What did you say?" Morgan asked.

"That I have standards"

"You're not serious?" Reid asked but Katherine gave a smile not answering him. For that question would never get a full answer.

Morgan laughed with the rest of the team. As she looked back up she saw Reid also smiling which reminded her of something.

"Reid, why do you think the victimology is different? I get the thing about the miscarriage but what about the recovery?" She asked and cut him off as he tried answering

"And I know about the statistics of divorces and marital problems after a miscarriage but they were in therapy, which is a sign of recovery" She said as she pulled out a file showing a bank payment to a private psychologist.

"You're right, maybe its not about the miscarriage but the good recovery" Reid said.

"What does that mean?"

"Someone was mad because the couples weren't falling apart" Emily said as she picked up the file and looked through it.

"Like a therapist, who cant feed off on her clients sorrows" she added. She opened the laptop to open a call with Garcia.

Amaranthine - Emily PrentissWhere stories live. Discover now