I am hibernating

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Glorfindel's closest friends were the ones who witnessed first hand how what befell Mila slowly ate away at the balrog slayer's spirit, day by day. Seeing how devastated the golden one had become, Elladan more than once offered to assume Captain's position in his stead. But despite all that, Glorfindel was still every bit a loyal and noble warrior that cared deeply for Rivendell. Despite Mila's ailment, he would still take the burden of the Captain and dutifully attend to his job. Now more than ever, when Rivendell and its protectors truly needed his leadership & expertise.

Lord Elrond shook his head at his oldest son, who seemed to want to offer his help as Captain to Glorfindel again as they watched the balrog slayer left Elrond's study room after his report, his expression stoic and unfeeling, betraying the grief and worry in his eyes.

Glorfindel needed this, said Lord Elrond to Elladan through their familial bond. This is what he knows best. The only control he has, for what befell his bride was something beyond his power. Nor mine.

Elladan's face fell in deep sympathy for Glorfindel. He too knew that even after his father's intervention, his magic could only do so much as slow down the poison, bidding her more time as they hope that her body would fight the poison and prevail in the end.

Elrohir watched as his ada brought his hand and studied Vilya, the ring of power on his finger with troubled eyes.

"You did what you could, adar," comforted Elrohir to his father. Lord Elrond only smiled softly at his sons, yet his expression were still downcast as he looked back at his ring.

"If only my magic is strong enough..." Elrond trailed.

"You did enough. You gave us hope, adar," said Elladan with wistfulness in his tone, "Had it not for your magic, she would have been taken away from us that day she received that injury. But now, weak as she may be, she is still fighting."

A small, poignant smile played across Elrohir's face. "And turned out, what a fighter she was," Elrohir said with much fondness on his expression, having known the whole truth from Elladan through their twins bond two weeks ago. Elrohir, despite being the one who also treated her throughout the time she was unconscious, had grown to miss her dearly.

A sad frown formed between Elladan's brows as he felt his twin's thoughts of her. "I missed her too, Ro."

"I can't wait for her to wake up so we can tease her endlessly," sighed Elrohir, gaining a poignant smile from his brother.

"I missed her honey cake," Lord Elrond chirped, though troubled, his eyes held his sons with a bit of playfulness that he hoped would lightened their spirits. The twins exchanged small smiles with their adar.

After a long moment of silence, Elladan voiced his question to his brother. "How does she fare?"

"She remains unconscious. Delirious at most," Elrohir said with a frown on his fair face, "We try to get her to take as much as healing potion as possible when she can. She swallows so little, for her conscious moments were rare and brief."

"And Glorfindel?" asked Lord Elrond.

"If he's not out on duty, he would sit by her side, keeping vigil for her," Elrohir answered.

"Despite keeping his duties, Glorfindel seemed to have lost his head," Elladan further informed, "He exacts unnecessary violence when killing orcs at the border ever since the breach. Beheading the creatures even after his deadly strikes. His rage unsettles the guards, even Variel, who most of the time showed little self restrain on the field. Out there, he no longer shows control. Only vengeance."

This troubled Elrond and Elrohir.

"I also fear for his wellbeing," Elrohir added, "He's barely eating. He doesn't sleep. All he does day in and out is watching Mila. I fear if this continues he would wither from the inside. He's destroying himself."

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