Chapter 23: (uh idk)

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"Ow," I grumbled, sitting up hand to head.

I slowly open my eyes and see I'm at the owl house. I rubbed my eyes, the pain subsiding in my head. A blanket slips off me as I adjust to be more comfortable. I blink a few times looking around, a cup of water on the table next to me.

Noticing how how dry my mouth is I pick up the cup of water and drink it. The cold liquid soothes my throat and I sigh setting the now empty cup down. Some thudding comes from the hallway and Eda emerges.

"Hey kid, you feeling better?" she asks, sitting next to me on the couch.

"Y-yeah," I say softly.

"You passed out after you know," she trails off.

"Yeah," I mumble as it comes back to me what happened. "How long was I asleep for?" I ask looking up at her.

"Hmmm, about 3 days I think," she answers.

"3 DAYS?!?" I say loudly confused.

"Yeah. You're fine though, right? So it's all good. You just needed a rest. Luz told me what happened, so I'm sure it was heavy on you, and that annoying kid, though I do feel bad for him," she say looking over at me.

"I see.... where is Luz?" I ask.

I take the blanket off me and swing my legs to plant my feet on the floor.

"King got a letter from his father, isn't that amazing!" she says with a wide smile that falters for a moment. "Also don't worry about being clean, me and owlbert did some magic that cleaned you right up. And gave you some cool clothing," she notifys me.

"Thanks," I say looking down and realizing in fact, I was in different clothes.

It was dark blue t-shirt and some black baggy, comfy, pants, here were also some plain white socks on my feet.

"I like it," I said with a slight smile.

My smile fades as some thoughts arise.

I look over to Eda, "where's Hunter? Is he okay?" I ask worriedly.

"You remember how he left, yes. Well we don't actually know where he went so can't help you there," she sighed crossing her arms.

"I understand," I said staring to the door.

"Before you say anything else, Luz said we'd talking about it all when she and King got home so don't think about it too much," Eda said.



The door slowly opened and King ran through past me and Eda.

"What's wrong with him? Did his dad not like him?" Eda asked Luz.

Luz looked to the floor.

"No, his dad wasn't there... his dad's dead," Luz said sitting on the couch.

I followed and sat one the couch a few feet from her, Eda sat on the other side of the small table on a chair.

"What do you mean his dad's dead?" Eda asked confused.

"When we got to where his "dad" was," Luz started, "there were demons that looked like King.. but," Luz trailed off looking at the ground.

"They were titan trappers disguised as titans," I finished for Luz.

"Y-yes," Luz said a bit shocked.

"King is a titan," I simply added.

Eda put her thumb and index finger to her chin as if she was thinking.

"So Kings a titan... anything else?" Eda said with a slight shaky breath.

Luz looks at me, Eda soon after

"I too have been thinking, and hopefully I don't come to regret this. Avoiding my problems is something that I like to do when it counts," I say standing up.

"What are you going to do?" Eda asks also standing up.

I take a deep breath, putting both hands up, palms faced at EDA and Luz.

"Y/n?" Luz says confused and stands aswell. "What are you gonna do?" she asks more concerned laced in her voice.

"I-I'm not sure," I say drawing in a shaky breath. "But I-I hope it works,"

I feel power course through my veins, this time what I'm about to do won't be an accident like with Hunter, I'll also have to get to him later with this...

The diamond on my wrist glows a blazing blue. Blue light emits from my palms in a bright flash. I quickly retract my hands as Eda and Luz rub their eyes.

"Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something?" Eda says.

As they are still rubbing their eyes I rub mine.

"Me too," Luz says.

"Me three, I'm sure it was nothing too important though," I say.

I stop rubbing my eyes and see that they too stopped, good.

"So as you were saying Luz, King is a titan?" I asked sitting back down.

Luz and Eda too sat down at their spots.

"Yeah, the titan trappers we're gonna... sacrifice King to the one they worship..." Luz trails off.

I let out a small sigh. Good their memories have been earased.

"I see," I say.

"Why would they worship the collector?" Eda asked.

It went on like that for awhile, and I felt him dancing around in the back of my mind like the little child he is. How great.


A/n: Shoes ready for labrynth runners???? Anyway hope you enjoyed this shorter chapter, sorry for not updating in over a week aswell!

Published: 7/3/23

Word count: 897

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