Chapter 4: Coffee Theif

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A/N: Thanks for over 30 veiws :) Just wanna say this chapter will be around 500 or so words, I guess that what you kinda get for a double post in a day. The next chapter will be around an actual episode I might split it into parts I'm not 100% sure yet. So I hope you enjoy this chapter nonetheless.

Your POV 7:02 in your room

"Soooo do you have any clothes I could borrow, I don't even got shoes on." I asked Saphy

"Nope... But the weird glowy thing might." She said turning her own attention to my wrist.

I look at my wrist and feel the need to press it.

"Should I press it?" I asked her

"Dunno" Saphy replied

"Thanks for the help" I said sarcasticly

I pressed my wrist with an outfit in mind. I started glowing and before I knew it I had a whole new outfit on and a mask I wasn't thinking of on the ground. I picked up the mask.

"How do I look? I asked Saphy with a hidden smile.

"Holy Titans, you look amazing" Saphy said jumping and flying around the room.

"Holy Titans, you look amazing" Saphy said jumping and flying around the room

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What you're wearing ^

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What you're wearing ^

3 minutes later your POV

"How does nobody know there's a cave over there?" I asked Sapphire.

"MAGIC!!!!! I'd think?" Saphire replied with an uncertain tone.

"Anyways I have no coins, do you?" I said to Saphy as we were now behind a bush.

"No, why don't you just use that magic of yours" Saphy responded

"Actually I have a better idea" I said looking up at him.

7:06pm Hunters POV

"I'm sorry for taking so long Mr. Golden Guard, it's on the house, sir." The coffee guy said walking back to the front.

"You should be, about time" I said reaching my hand up to take the coffee.

Before I could grab it someone flew by...

"THANKS GOLDILOCKS!" The person said. They had a bit of a masculine voice.

"I-I-I'll get you another s-sir" The guy at the counter quickly stammered.

"No, no, it's fine" I said in an annoyed voice, hopping on my staff.

I reached off towards the figure.

Y/N POV (it's now nightime)


"Nice going Y/N!" I heard Saphy say turning her head to look at me.

"Do you know where the school... Hexiside is?" I asked Saphy lifting my mask to take a quick sip.

"Yes I do! I also heard from some other wild palismen that some were being picked to get an owner today!" Saphy said

"Oh, it must be hunting palismen time then..." I half muttered to myself before taking another sip of my coffee.

"STOP YOU THEIF!" a voice said behind me.

I looked back to see him.

"Don't you have a mission to do for Belos" I shot back and yet again lifting my mask to take a few sips as we both had things to get to.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW, THEIF?!" He replied

"I have my ways.." I said and lifted my mask to finish off the coffee.

And with that I swooped down into the tree's, no way he'll find me.

Hunters POV 7:40pm

"Damn theif, but they are right, I do have my mission. I guess I can wait on catching him?" I muttered to myself as I was also flying to a spot near the forest where I had landed my ship.

Word count: 577

A/N: Hunting Palismen part 1 will be posted tomorrow! I also hope you're enjoying this fic as much as I am.

New word count: 603

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