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💗 Soo-Min 💗

At Twinkle's....

"Why didn't you tell us you started working Soo-Minahhh?".Hyun Woo asked with a pout feigning anger.

"Are we keeping secrets now from each other?".

"Um...she told me though". Twinkle murmured.

"Jinja?! You decided to keep me in the dark huh? I see what you're doing there... because I'm not cut out for you to tell me about a new job". He murmured, looking pissed.

"Oh c'mon it's not like's just that I forgot or something...well let me see..." I started, then put a finger under my chin to remember the reason why I didn't text him that I got a new job.

It's not like I forgot to text Twinkle...

Oh yeah! Right after I texted Twinkle, I was abducted.... that's why I forgot.

"Um...I was kidnapped yunno? My first day at work...I was taken hostage outside the Enterprise while I was waiting for my ride".

The place became quiet while they watched me for some minutes.

Then he bursted out laughing.... Twinkle joined him after.

"Yah! Stop making up stories just to ease my anger...".

"'s not like he's really mad at you... that's an expensive joke". Twinkle backed him up.

I exhaled deeply and shook my head.

"I'm not making up anything". I was stern.

" got me...hahaha! Cut me some slack.." Hyun-Woo said and rolled his eyes.

"I'm still mad at you though, you only told Twinkle".

"Do I look like I'm joking?!". I almost flared up.

"I'm serious..". I said amid gritted teeth.

"Who else is hungry?". Hyun Woo changed the topic.

I can't believe they think I'm joking.

I scoffed and turned away from them.

"You guys...". I was gritting my teeth.

"What's the matter?". Twinkle asked innocently and I sighed.

No matter how many times I try to convince them...these fools just won't get it....ugh!

" guys are amazing!". I finally said with huge sarcasm...

I also knew they didn't get the sarcasm.

"Aigoo! C'mon... don't make me blush". Hyun Woo said, pushing me playfully.

Ugh! C'mon! You big fat idiot!

"Why are you even working Soo Minahh? You're rich already and you have everything you need". He said.

"No I don't.." I replied and he also took it as a joke.

"Yes you do..."



"No...ugh! This will lead to nowhere! Can we stop arguing?".

"My question is why Park's Enterprise of all it because Mi Young's fiance is the chairman? You want to work at your inlaw's?!". Twinkle asked.

"Plus your boss is so fine damn!". She bit on her lip and caressed her face.

"You've never said a guy is ugly before...all the guys you lay your flirty eyes on are fineee...". Hyun Woo said and rolled his eyes.

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