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The Park family were currently at the Kim's Mansion.

The atmosphere was tense as each of them ate breakfast in silence, stealing glances at one another.

The Parks were invited over to discuss and plan the upcoming wedding of their children.

Mr Park Seung-won cleared his throat to interrupt the uncomfortable silence.

"It's going to be a big party don't you think?". He said raising his glass.

"My Hoonie prefers a private party". Mrs Park Youra objected.

"Is that so?". Her husband asked with a raised eyebrow..

"I never knew".

"You two aren't close enough". She replied, feeling so proud of herself.

"My Mi Youngiee likes it big". Mrs Kim Hwa Young suddenly said and the Parks focused on her.

"Oh really?". Mrs Park asked, looking towards Mi Young who tried to hide her blush.

It was more than enough that they were all helping to plan her wedding out of their busy lives.

"I don't mind if it's private though...as long as Ji-hoon likes it...I like it too". She said in a cool, lovey-dovey tone.

Mr Kim Byung-hun, Soo-Min and Ji-hoon remained silent, eating their meal.

She might've been there, eating with them, but her mind drifted far off.

She was also oblivious to the fact that they were discussing about her sister's wedding.

All she could think of was the news about the three corpses she recognized. And the fact that she was suspicious of the malicious being sitting directly opposite her.

It couldn't possibly be him... could it?

She pondered as she took a spoonful of her meal, placed it in her mouth and didn't take her eyes off him.

His gaze finally met hers and she looked away quickly.

"Looks like the wedding is going to unite us and make us one big, happy family". Mrs Park said with a smile.

"And our companies too". Mr Park added, but it came as a murmur.

"What?". Mrs Kim asked.

"You said something".

He waved it off with a smile...

"It's nothing, I'm just happy my son is getting married soon".

"Oh". She nodded her head in return and continued eating.

His smile faded the moment she took her eyes off him, leaving a stern look while he clenched his fist.

"You haven't said anything, darling". Mrs Kim faced her husband.

"He's observing table manners". Mi Young joshed while her mom and Mrs Park laughed.

"How about you sweetie, are we expecting a wedding soon?" Mrs Park faced an oblivious Soo-Min.

"It can't be him, I'm really sure...or did he hire some killers?". She blurted out, talking to no one in particular.

The place went quiet and everyone including Ji-hoon's attention was on her.

"No..no... that's ridiculous, why would he want to kill them? Or could it be their boss? Who in the world is the so called boss?!". She sighed, running her fingers in her hair.

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