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     I flung my sling bag over my shoulder and was heading for the door.

    It was another Monday morning and I was headed for work.

   I met Ji-hoon at the sitting room and he was also preparing for work.

   He was struggling to button the sleeves around his wrist.

   His tie was also undone and wrapped around his neck.

     "Good morning sir". I greeted formally with a bow and walked towards the door, then paused.

   I sighed deeply and hauled around to face him.

   He looks like he isn't going to be done dressing up even in the next ten minutes due to the way he was struggling.

   He had a confused expression as he stared at me.

   Maybe because I greeted him formally.

  "Well?". I stood at akimbo as I queried.

   "Aren't you gonna answer my greeting?".

   "Where are you going?". He asked.

  "That doesn't answer my greeting". I said and walked up to him.

  I took his hand and buttoned his sleeve.

   Then I took his tie and began to arrange his collar.

   He just stared at me with an expression I couldn't fathom.

   "Where else do you think I'm going?". I asked in return, knotting the tie around his neck.

   He touched my hand and withdrew it from knotting.

   "I can do that myself". He murmured.

   "Fine". I said and turned to leave.

   "Not even a thank you....aishh". I grumbled out loud to his hearing.

   "You're not going to work". He said stopping me in my tracks.

    "Why?". I asked, facing him with a scrunched face.

   "You should be on maternity leave till when I decide you start work". He muttered.

   "Maternity leave?". I scoffed and pin some strands of my hair behind my ear feeling flustered.

   I haven't put to bed.


"This conversation is over, go back inside and rest". He said cutting me short.

   He picked up a briefcase and was leaving.

   "You don't think I'm gonna stay here by myself all day, do you?". I asked.

   "Do you want me to stay with you?". He turned to face me.

  "Uh..I... that's not what I mean..." I stuttered in the uncomfortable situation.

   "Then stay". He said finally and headed for the door.

  "I'm not staying!". I blurted out, then joined my lips together.

   I saw him stop when he got to the door after my last statement.

   "I'm coming with you...". I said and rushed to meet him.

   "Let's go to". I bit on my lip after the cringing statement.



Park's Enterprise,

Entwined DestinyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ