Chapter 31

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Meanwhile, as Dean was dealing with his family situation everyone else was catching me up on what they had discovered about our mystery man

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Meanwhile, as Dean was dealing with his family situation everyone else was catching me up on what they had discovered about our mystery man. "His operation is fifteen miles south of his home. It's a big facility, he has security located everywhere from windows, doors, stairs, and roof" Kaylee points at the maps.

"I'll pull up a picture from google earth," Sean's dad said as he typed fast on the computer. The photo is projected upward and thanks to google earth it shows all the ground.

"We are one hundred percent outnumbered," Kaylee said crossing her arms over her chest and leaning on the counter.

"It blows my mind, is how much security there is" Ashley states as I rotate the photo to the rest of the building.

"Let's get these marked up from where you guys saw security," I said to them, "Already done" Alyssa pulls up the blueprint with red marks on it from the screen. "Thank God for technology" I chuckle and everyone agrees with me.

"On the screen, there are about thirty-five men just outside, inside I'm not completely sure. I'm going to say about roughly the same or more. Also," she moves the blueprint with her fingers and zooms in, "This is where all their meetings take place".

"Alright, now we know the coverage of the place. I think it's best to say we need snippers to help take out some of these guys from a distance. I know Ashley is one but does anyone else know how or is good at it? We're going to need grenades as well, lots of them"

"Ruben is and so am I" Sean's dad spoke standing next to his wife.

"Okay, so you guys are going to cover these bases" I zoom in and place blue x's on the blueprint, "They won't suspect it if there's three of you and especially since you'll be up trees".

"Now ground team, we'll-

I was cut off by the living room doors opening and everyone turned their heads. Dean and his family walked out with smiles on their faces. They all come over to us and join the group. I re-explain what was already said.

"We've got a bunch of supplies we can use," Sean's mom said, "I think if have people on bows it'll help out the snippers"

"I like it, well everyone will get their preferred weapon choice. Once we settle on that we'll split more of us. We could-

I was interrupted once again by Dean's elbow nudging my arm. I look at him, "Look at this" he shows me his phone. It was a text from "Mr. K". I glance my eyes up at him and he gives me a confused look. "Mr. K, we received a text from you," I say jokingly.

He chuckles, "Well you know damn right it wasn't me. I don't even have my phone"

"I bet you it's that bastard," Ethan says grabbing the phone from Dean's hands. He plugs the phone into the computer and then begins to tap on the computer. A few moments went by, "It's him alright, I got the location off where the message was pinged" he then pulled up the screen and showed us.

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