Chapter 28

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one week later

I felt shaking coming from my arm, I peep my eyes open a bit

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I felt shaking coming from my arm, I peep my eyes open a bit. I see Dean dressed in a suit. "Hey, come on you've got to get ready".

I rub my eyes and look down at the table I fell asleep on. My vision was a bit blurry still waking up and seeing a bunch of paperwork on the desk. My eyes burned from the lack of sleep. A lot has happened in the last week, Sean and Alyssa were out of the hospital but Joy was still in the NUCI. Alyssa visits her every day for hours. Mr. K has been MIA, Dean and I aren't sure where he went. He hasn't answered our messages or calls.

After the garage went up in flames, we had to leave and Ethan's mom was the only one at the scene. The cops got handed another case. They had multiple questions but Kaylee (Ethan's mom's name) made it believable leaving us out of it. Ever since the incident we've all been on the hunt for our mystery gang leader. We've collected any evidence and connected all the parent's past history. The basement of Dean's house became an investigation room with boards, pictures, files, and loads of coffee. We've all come clean about what's been going on. We've barely gone to school since all this chaos started. Ethan has been pushing really hard on it. I don't blame him, his dad died. Today's his funeral and Kaylee's tried to hold it together as best as she can.

I head upstairs, shower, and get dressed. I wore a white dress it was what Kaylee wanted for everyone to wear white and black not to wear all black. I pinned my hair up into a bun. My roots were growing out and I sigh looking at myself in the mirror. My under eyes were black and I looked pale from the lack of sunlight. I looked like hell. I applied some light makeup to cover my dark circles. I wasn't ready for this funeral, I haven't been to one in ages. The door creaked I snapped my head towards the door as it opened seeing Dean.

"Can you help me?" He points at his tie. I chuckle as he stands in front of me. I do his tie and look up at him. I rest my hand on his cheek rubbing it lightly. He sighs in relief and leans a bit into my hand. My eyes got watery as I see tears run down his face. I begin to wipe them away. He takes a deep breath looking at me. His eyes were a bit red.

"I'm sorry" he apologizes to me.

"Don't ever apologize to me. You have every right to cry and be sad. You lost someone close to you that was like family." I hug him tightly as he embraces me back. We stay like that for a moment before Dean's mom called for us to leave. I take Dean's hand, "You've got this and I'm here for you" he looked at me with a weak smile. It breaks my heart to see him like this. We arrived at the service twenty minutes later.

The service was beautiful, everyone dressed in black and white, white roses everywhere, and they had a slide show playing of him. We sat behind Ethan's family giving them all of our support. As the service went on it was now time for Ethan to go up and make his speech.

He looked horrible, dark under his eyes, his skin was pale, and you could see the sadness in his eyes. He unfolded his paper, "I just want to thank all of you for being here and for all the support. My mom and I appreciate it. My father Nyle Santiago was not just a great man but the best dad anyone could ask for" his voice getting raspy, he took a pause before letting out a deep sigh, he continued "He was taken too soon from us but I will never forget the memories we cherished together. He taught me how to fish when I was seven years old. I remember him getting the line stuck on his hat and his hat flying into the water" everyone chuckled, "he was such a goofball" tears ran down his face, and he sniffled "To the world, you were just my dad but you were my world, the world to our family. You were a family man, you always prioritized us. I wish there was more time we had together. You will never be forgotten. I love you, dad".

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