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 Time flows continuously.  The sound of the laughing children. Busy Adult. But now they're hard work does not result nothing. Love, Pain, are normal for human being. Their action was meaning for everything that beautiful in this world. 
 In the Earth, there's a place called "Point Nemo". There's an hidden island in there. The rumored island was "Fly Me To The Moon" since it was directly face the moon, and then, in the East there is also a place called as "Socotra" Island. It is said that this island does not belong to the Earth. No one couldn't explain, but if you go deeper to the middle of the island, there's a mysterious park that referred to "Garden Of Eden".  It is a bit impossible tho to reach the place since the island filled with mysterious radiation, even Satellite couldn't took picture of it. The result always blurred. And then, in the Middle of the garden, there's a small river that goes down into the Earth. It is also rumored that this River connect to the Hidden Island in the Point Nemo. This river called "Moon River". Once in a years around 21 may - 29 May, The Moon was so close to the "Moon River". 
Yet actually, the Socotra Island was a Mark that left by Pollux. It is actually a place that connect to the Moon and the "Space Of Beginning", a place where now Pollux stay. One day, there will be a person as the one who is chosen to ascend to the place. 



There's a new School in the town. The School was  filled with students strong powered family and elite people, only 1 in 100 chance to be the student if you're just ordinary people. If you fail your grade, you can choose to be expelled from school or having an "Special" Class. 
Since lot of "Special" class filled with naughty and delinquent. One day, a student registered to the School, he doesn't have any parents. Also Teacher & Staff calls him weird since when he registered himself, he ask to be placed to the "Special Class". That shouldn't be allowed but for "some" reason, they allowed it.

"Attention class, today we have a new comer to this class. "

( ah probably another failed student )
( oh another delinquent ? i will ask him to join my gang probably )
( i see )
( a new bullying target )

*Doors Open*

" Hello everyone, call me Polam. From today i'll be studying in this class, let's get along together"

 From today i'll be studying in this class, let's get along together"

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Trivia :

- After Pollux complete his mission, he stays in a place similar to Heaven called "Space of Beginning" to wait until the Earth's Civilization grow has advance tech to help them.
- While waiting for it, He travel to another "Earth" to observe. Once he complete his analysis, Pollux will help them to reach the "Beyond" or "Infinity". 
- Sometimes Pollux  descend to earth and camouflage as his new Human form and identity : Polam. 
- He also work in a part time as a worker in a fast food restaurant. Sometimes in the Weekend  he cooks "Fried Rice" Street food to the public. He also loves soft things, flower, fox and cats. 
- Since he's also a Human, he probably could fall in love with someone, but that will be soo complicated. 
- Once they reach the infinity, Pollux will retired from his job and wait another time or moment to reincarnate.  

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