A Fresh Start

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 It feels really boring being isolated in the same place for a long time, Oby decided to work hard as a new farmer of the town. His goal is to achieved the "Highest Rank " , so he will be allowed to stray off the town. He also train an basic Self-Defense and Corruptions Battle Method to improve his fighting skills. He also tried to make relation with the people in the town. Oby also taking interest in cooking. He starting to cook for people who just came home from outside the town. There's much thing to do. Even he's tired, he tries his best to reach the "Outside". 

 Day by day passed, Oby worked really hard. One time that when Oby just finished farming and taking the supplies to the store, He was slipped when he's on his way. A full hooded and caped guy suddenly appears in front of him. "Are you okay ? ". He's asking Oby, but doesn't even give a hands. He just standing there, it's like a situation where you just got hit by a truck and you lost your legs, and then someone randomly appear and asking "Are you okay ? " without doing anything, he just ask. Several people around Oby start to whisper to each other. It seems they left a bad impression to this "Dark" guy. " y yeah, i'm completely fine.. thanks for asking, but can you help gave me that Potato in your feet? ". This guy just realized and picked up for him. 
And then he ran away. " What was that ??? ". 

 Oby came home, and report to the Punyinyi for the daily report

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 Oby came home, and report to the Punyinyi for the daily report. And he tells what's happen along the work. " Dark hooded guy ? ooh, that must be Doe. ". "D-Doe?". Ask Oby.
" He's actually a traveler from the another planet. But he illegally fly to the moon without any passports. Because he was arrived here after the Cataclysm occurred and the moon having a crisis, he was accepted to be here. At first he looks very fine. But then he started to stealing food from the people of the town, and he's accused to trying to "Mess" with the Children. The gossip spread really fast and the people of the town really hates him, tho i don't really believe about the gossip but you have to be be careful out  there, you're still young and new. "  Oby just nodded. Oby don't really mind about what does Punyinyi tells him about, he just lay down in his bed. 
" i feel familiar with this world, what does this mean ? ".

 Today is Saturday, it's Oby's day off from work, but he takes a class for his physical training. But before going to the "Dojo ", Oby met the same guy again from yesterday, he's in the corner of the wall of the town,  he's just sitting there. Oby tries to reach him, "Are you okay ? ",
The guy look surprised and a bit nervous, it seems he's not ready for some conversations. 
" i'm okay, what do you want? "
" U-um no need to be nervous around me, i'm just curious about you and.. maybe we can be friends ? ". *The underlined sentence mean that he speak in low tone* 
" S sorry u ah-  ". This silence awkward made Oby nervous, the table has turned. 
" Doe, John Doe". He finally introduce himself in a simple tense way. If you see closer to his hoods, he looks like a headless person because its all dark, or maybe it's his head itself. " I'm Observer or you can just call me Oby ! uuuuh i actually don't have a name, but people prefer me to call me with  that name.. ". The introduction goes well. Achievement achieved, "New Friend".

" You must be already hear the gossip about me around the town ". Yeah indeed, Punyinyi already tells him tho.
"Y - yeah, i don't believe such a things.. it's just a gossip, it's not true isn't it ? ".
The first impression came to Doe's head, " *this person is the type that deny the truth*. " Well i wasn't bring my passport because its urgent, and i'm only underage when i arrive here, my family force me to go here. Because, i was thrown.. the thing that they said that im MESSING  with the kids, i just think they're cute and..unique, there is no weird reason. Is it because i'm a stray ? ". Doe looks like a lost kid in space, just like Oby himself. " You have me now ! i'm also don't have friends.. i don't remember anything about my past, thats why i had to work hard so i could go on adventure outside from the town ! and wrap up things. " Doe want to say something but he cannot let it out of it. Because he also know that the thing that he want to said maybe seem hilarious. They just met, they just started their friendship a moment ago, but i think Oby has secret a mind reading ability on his head. "Doe, wanna go along with me and go on adventures together ? you have me and theres nothing to worry about ! let's "wrap up things" together shall we? ". Doe was surprised and a little bit flustered, you wont know he's blushing or not because its all dark behind those cape. But you already know it by his gestures. " I'll think about it". A good start for friendship. this is may be a new hope for both of them.

" I was from a planet far far away, it's called ALTAI. There was a war between continent, Just a bunch of fools who had a big desire to rule the world and starting to use Biologic weapon and create a disease, almost the whole civilization were infected including my parents. I was supposed to be flying here with my parents but i guess its too late, they sacrifce their life to protect me, in the end, i don't even know anything why they have to sent me here, like its already on purpose ".
Doe is an Alien from another planet to put it simply. " Aww Doe.. i hope they're  rest in peace up there, they must be proud because you manage to survive ".
" Aww thanks Oby ". They Chit Chat while they're on their way to train together. They're having so much fun sharing with each others. And a random questions popped out of nowhere from Oby's head. " Doe, did you know Earthlings ? "
" Earthlings ? its a creature called "Human" isn't it ? I read a Folklore from my planet, Human is a Mythologycal being that already extinct for million years ago , becuse their own foolishnes. How do you know about them ? Is it also the Folklore on the Moon tells the same "


" Nothing, i'm just curious ".

Oby freeze for a while, Millions years!? so does it mean... no- what is Oby then? why did he take the form of Human ?
More lot of unanswered question popped out in his mind. He's so curious  about himself and surrounding, but well, sometimes curiosity killed the cat.

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